Evergreen State College Settles ‘Day Of Absence’ Lawsuit With Professor Bret Weinstein – IOTW Report

Evergreen State College Settles ‘Day Of Absence’ Lawsuit With Professor Bret Weinstein


Evergreen State College has settled a tort claim with professor Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying for $500,000 in connection to the 2017 “Day of Absence” protests, which saw anarchy spread throughout the campus earlier this year.

In his $3.8 million lawsuit, Weinstein claimed that the institution was unable to provide him and his wife adequate security by failing to enforce its student Code of Conduct. The lawsuit claimed that the university’s failure to keep things under control “sent the unmistakable message that the school will tolerate (and even endorse) egregious violations (and even crimes) purportedly to advance racial social goals, diminishing the collegiate experience for all, and fostering a racially hostile work and retaliatory environment for faculty and staff.”

“Through a series of decisions made at the highest levels, including to officially support a day of racial segregation, the college has refused to protect its employees from repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence,” their claim stated.

Weinstein alleges that he was frequently called a “racist” by his peers for his refusal to support the so-called “Day of Absence,” which demanded white students and faculty recuse themselves from campus for a day so non-whites could have a powwow about oppression.

“In making this agreement, the college admits no liability, and rejects the allegations made in the tort claim,” John Carmichael, chief of staff and secretary to the board of trustees, wrote in the email obtained by College Fix.

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11 Comments on Evergreen State College Settles ‘Day Of Absence’ Lawsuit With Professor Bret Weinstein

  1. I think the writing is on the wall for Evergreen College and they will shortly be announcing its’ closure. Maybe they can get Bernie Sanders wife to help out. I understand she has some experience in college closings.

  2. Those responsible should have to pay, not the tax payers. Those responsible are far too liberal and do not have any idea what the real world is like. Nuther thought, settlement was way too low. Should have gone for the gold. When liberal colleges lose so much money they’re no longer insurable, they’ll eventually come around.

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