Evergreen State Professor Who Stood Athwart Racist Bullies Is Now Suing School For $3.8 Million – IOTW Report

Evergreen State Professor Who Stood Athwart Racist Bullies Is Now Suing School For $3.8 Million

Ooh! This is getting interesting!


The biology professor at The Evergreen State College who was driven into hiding by student radicals for criticizing a racially segregated school event has now indicated that he will file a civil claim for $3.8 million in damages.

The professor, Bret Weinstein, filed the claim along with his wife, Evergreen State anthropology professor Heather Heying, according to Campus Reform.

For weeks this spring, Evergreen State’s taxpayer-funded campus in Olympia, Washington had been the site of a continuous stream of high-profile protests led largely by radical black students.

The protesters centered much of their fury on Weinstein because he criticized an organized “Day of Absence” event which “invited” every white student, professor and administrator to leave campus for a day.

The $3.8 million tort claim submitted by Weinstein and his wife is “for the hostile work environment that has been fostered at the college over the past year or so,” Weinstein’s attorney told Campus Reform.  MORE

11 Comments on Evergreen State Professor Who Stood Athwart Racist Bullies Is Now Suing School For $3.8 Million

  1. Never thought I’d be cheering for a left wing loon but it’s sorta like the Iran Iraq war, too bad it had to end.

    By the way I’m sorta getting sick of popcorn, got any suggestions for a alternate snack?

  2. I wonder if any of these black radicals will mention that they graduated from Evergreen on their resumes. I can’t imagine a business owner knowingly hiring a whole lot of Trouble. It would behove them to be informed.

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