Evergreen State Sanctions Students Over Spring Campus Protests – IOTW Report

Evergreen State Sanctions Students Over Spring Campus Protests


According to this report from the Olympian, some students were actually expelled. Still, it all seems like too little too late.

Here’s how many student protesters were sanctioned for breaking Evergreen’s conduct code

About 80 protesters have been sanctioned for breaking the student conduct code at The Evergreen State College in Olympia last spring, when race-related protests broke out on campus, college officials say.

About 120 incident reports involving 180 students were filed during the campus unrest, college spokeswoman Sandra Kaiser told The Olympian.

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7 Comments on Evergreen State Sanctions Students Over Spring Campus Protests

  1. Since its opening Evergreen has been known as one of the most whacko “colleges” in the U.S. It shouldn’t even have accreditation. What a waste of time, money and energy.

  2. If Evergreen wants to stay open then expell most of the current students, fire most of the staff (adminisration and teachers) change the admission policy to focused solely on academic achievment, put into place a rigid code of ethics and honor that requires a student to inform on another for any violations of that code, Demonstrations must be planned and approved months in advance and any deviaction will be met by academic sanctions. Put money into the buildings and get new equiptment for the labs and sciences. Take away government money if possible so as to keep the meddling by Sacramento out. It will take a few years, ahuge amount of luck and hard work but they could build their name up to a high standard.

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