Every 50s Sci-Fi Movie – IOTW Report

Every 50s Sci-Fi Movie

Common themes are a staple of any good genre and boy were the 1950 sci-fi films filled with them. Why you’d think most were just a slight variation on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” Though I was born after the era, enough of these things landed on afternoon TV and late-night creature features that I’ve seen a fair share over the years. Watch

26 Comments on Every 50s Sci-Fi Movie

  1. soon as I saw ‘The Tempest’ in the article I immediately thought of ‘Forbidden Planet’ w/ Leslie Nielson & Anne Francis … dead ringer for ‘The Tempest’

    ol’ Willie Boy should sue for plagiarism w/ that one for sure!

  2. Didn’t some old dead Greek guy say that there were just 7 stories?
    Maybe it was 3 – my brain’s turned to mush.
    Everything is a re-telling of those.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Forbidden Planet is one of my all-time favorite 50’s sci fi movies. It has everything including ahead of its time special effects by Disney and of course Robbie the Robot. The original War of the Worlds, The Day The Earth Stood Still, It Came from Outer Space written by Ray Bradbury are all classics and creature features like Them, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, creepy English man eating plant movies like Day of the Triffids etc. and of course the original Japanese Godzilla were all classics from the 50’s and are still better than most of the newer sci fi movies with the possible exception of 1968’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. My grandfather who was in his 60’s back then let me watch with him a lot of these movies, creature features, old sci fi movies, Tarzan movies with Johnny Weismuller etc. on Saturday or Sunday afternoons along with hokey professional wrestling on his old B&W TV, sponsored by Dr. David Cowen, the Peerless dentist. It was a great time to be a kid with a wild imagination back in the early to mid 60’s.

  4. And then there’s joey’s favorite sci fi movie This Island Earth with his white-haired alien doppleganger.

    MST3K did one movie and it was “This Island Earth” they chose for the razzing. I wouldn’t know of the film otherwise, but I’ve watched it a few times with Mike Nelson and the bots. – Dr. Tar

  5. Invaders from Mars (original version) – looked scar on back of neck
    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (original version)
    War of the Worlds (1953 with Gene Barry)

  6. Every 60’s sci-fi movie has.

    Professors who wear horn rimmed glasses.
    Pressed slacks for everyone from the fat old amiable sheriff to the kid working behind the soda counter.
    Torpedo bras for every American woman, because nothing goes better with a couple of highball martinis than bullet bras.
    Classic cars being treated like crap.
    More smoking.
    Surplus M1 rifles…just layin’ around. “Here ya’ go Billy, take a crack at the martians with THIS!”
    “Gee whiz Mr. Belliver, she sure has a mean kick!”
    And of course, modern art.

  7. Henry Mancini broke into film score by writing for 50’s sci-fi movies.

    His most recognizable extended piece is the soundtrack for the Creature of the Black Lagoon. But he has many more.


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