Every Day Is Opposite Day for Democrats – IOTW Report

Every Day Is Opposite Day for Democrats

Western Journalism: Have you noticed a curious thing about our leftist friends? (I use the term “friends” metaphorically, of course.)

Everything they believe in is completely backward. For them, every day is opposite day.

Think of the things liberals repeatedly dribble without even a hint of irony.

Boys can turn into girls. Furthermore, there aren’t two genders — there are an infinite amount, which need their own very special pronouns.

Encouraging the killing of unborn babies supports family values.

Excessive coddling and cocooning of children will ensure they turn out to be well-adjusted, productive adults instead of whining brats.

Plastic straws are more dangerous to humanity than opioids crossing our southern border.

A massive snowstorm really means there’s ongoing, manmade global warming.

A border wall is bad because it will encourage more illegal immigration — oh, and it’s racist (goes without saying).

And of course, the biggest doozy of them all — strong economic numbers mean the economy is crashing.  more

10 Comments on Every Day Is Opposite Day for Democrats

  1. I used to have a co-worker who was exhibiting extreme symptoms of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). He said to me about a month before I moved that he thought that he was going crazy. He kept feeling like the world was failing and that people were going to start losing their minds and eventually dying.

    He admitted he watched CNN and listened to all his friends who were liberal, and never heard anything positive. I told him to do two things: stop watching CNN and get new friends (I said it more diplomatically, but you get the point).

    Told him that what is happening to him is exactly what ‘they’ wanted him to feel like so they could control him easier. After our lengthy talk, I think he actually could see the damage that the left was causing; not just in him, but in all the people who listened to them.

    I keep in touch periodically and think he is going to be fine. Don’t know if he will ever vote R, but at least he is aware.

    I forgot what my point was, but there is hope for some of the poor sheep.

  2. “He kept feeling like the world was failing and that people were going to start losing their minds and eventually dying.

    He admitted he watched CNN and listened to all his friends who were liberal, and never heard anything positive”

    Claudia, I think it’s because CNN/left media propaganda doesn’t allow a place to go that isn’t what they push. Witnessing a complete demolishing of what they believed reality is supposed to be? Well, looks like that’s enough to drive them crazy.

    Easy Peasy like it was meant to be-sy.

  3. Claudia,
    It’s because he’s from Minnesota or lives in Minnesota, the depression in the Scandinavians here is breathtaking. It must be the Scandinavian suicide march They’re on. I’m part Scandi but luckily my fathers side dominates in me, [been here since the 1500’s Scotch, Irish, English] my Norwegian mother and sisters as well as cousins and such are all Left wing and have suffered from depression forever, even before President Trump. Kind of a microcosm of whats’ happening in Europe with the willful lack of reproduction and pride in our heritage.

    Of course you can always tell who’s the type A personality in scandinavians, he’s the one who looks at your shoes when hes talking to you.


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