Every F8CKING Company Has the Same F8CKING Dramatic Covid-19 Commercial – IOTW Report

Every F8CKING Company Has the Same F8CKING Dramatic Covid-19 Commercial

Here’s an exchange written by MJA-

Winn Dixie: We’re really trying to keep you guys from infecting our staff so we put up plastic barriers at the registers. Also here’s what’s on sale.

A day later—
Winn Dixie: Here’s a code for your free birthday ice cream. Come in by April 30th to pick it up. don’t forget!

That night—
Winn Dixie: We may have to limit you filthy sick bastards coming into the stores. So we may implement a rule to have you guys standing outside like a herd of infected cattle. [Don’t forget to come pick up your free birthday  ice cream!]

The next day— Winn Dixie: covid19 is still raging. We’re here to help. But try not to come in, though. Seriously. 

That night—
Winn Dixie: Did you know we’re hiring? Also, you haven’t picked up your birthday ice cream yet. We have 60 different flavors!

32 Comments on Every F8CKING Company Has the Same F8CKING Dramatic Covid-19 Commercial

  1. How can we be all together when we’ve become a nation all set apart from one another because of this fake crisis? We’re turning into a nation of friggin lemmings, who’s next to jump over the cliff and follow all the fools who have already gone over the deep end. I am tired of all the left wing group think bullshit! End this farce now before it gets far worse.

  2. We have a local hospital hawking the loving, caring environment you can expect if you’re a patient. They show about 8 different patients, all interacting with nurses, doctors, clergy, etc. Every damn one of them is hugging, clasping hands, or stroking the forehead of the patient….zero social distancing and no masks in sight.

  3. This is a coordinated worldwide control movement, you should expect everything to be the same so all efforts reinforce one another and present the same uniform picture to everyone without any diversity of thought being accidentally created.

    Most people will never realize this, and will welcome the intended result without knowing they are.

  4. Commercials are directed at sheeple to begin with (if you watch tv please take no offense), so I am not so shocked at the general collusion and confusion those companies are projecting.

  5. Plastic guards to protect the front, but just turn around and sneeze on the cashier of the other line. Starts off coffee commercial, then body functions, then ends like you’re throwing puppies off a roof. We’re with you. Oh yeah? Ah choo.

  6. Lord Mondegreen calls this virtue-peddling.
    This supplants the environmental virtue-signaling from banks and online only businesses who save the world.

  7. Is it possible that politicians, bankers, media, global corps. and socialist/marxist loons are oblivious to the bubbling firestorm they’re playing with when an army of pissed off, broke, wide awake patriots decide that enough is enough.

    No bunker, spidey hole or cave on earth will secure them from the eventual onslaught that would ravage their existence.

  8. My doctor’s office sent me a message practically begging me to call and make an appointment for a physical. It’s time for one, so I called. Got an appointment for the next morning. That NEVER happens. They are getting desperate for work, apparently. But this is all so super duper serious, you know.

  9. I receive the ‘ol birthday ice cream come-on too……except my birthday is in AUGUST.

    Three weeks before the Wuhan was “all the rage”, WD emailed their weekly specials, I click thru to the weekly Ad and NOTHING…..says “oooops, we’re sorry, it us, not you”. This went on for 3 consecutive weeks, and I’m beginning to think this was WD way of telling us they’re going out of business.

    But nope, the Grande Birffday Ice Cream promo is supposed to draw me in for a gallon of Rocky Road Triple Threat Fudge just to gaze upon the empty toilet paper shelves.

  10. I just got back from taking our 94 year old (95 in June) Mother for a routine doctor’s appointment. She said she’s never seen anything like this. In her childhood, scarlet fever wasn’t uncommon. 6 weeks out of school for the infected. No one else. She was amazed when she went to work at a children’s day care center that 1 week was the norm for the same. She just shakes her head and waits for the senior shuttle to restart.

  11. One of the stupid parts is if you have anybody in the hospital nobody can be there to visit/stay with them, not even the spouse. So you’re taking your chances the hospitals going to kill them because of their incompetence. Not all, but you do roll the dice.

  12. I hope all of the useless marketing people got laid off after they shat out these weepy, treacly covideos tor their corporate masters. Anything that starts with “During these difficult times…”, “Adjusting to the new reality…” blah blah blah I hit the MUTE button and go shoot pool for a minute. If there’s two or more in a row, I just quit watching and play pool all night.

  13. Here is the one I can’t stand.

    Some pharma group starts their ad with the word “Because”, then it continues “Because science is what will get us out of this” (words to that effect).

    Slogans that start with the word “Because” irk me. It should be used only in answering a question, like, in this case, “Why are you testing vaccines”? Then, an answer starting with “Because” makes more sense. It never made sense to me to start a sentence with “Because”. That’s got to be a violation of some law of the English language, like ignorant people would do.

    Another thing: perverted science got us into this mess. Should we trust science to get us out?

    Lastly, I despise marketing slogans. I consider people that write them to be whores and low-lifes, little better than actors.

  14. If I owned a Corp that advertised and was somehow open during Chink Flu, I would do Reverse Marketing.

    My ads would be along the lines of “Tired of the Chinese Flu quarantines? We are too! Come on in with this coupon and get a free (whatever) or a 10% discount on your purchase of (whatever). Sure, stay six feet apart and don’t sneeze or cough or we’ll throw your butt outta here. See ya tomorrow!”

  15. @ geoff the aardvark, I wish they would start telling them if they jump off a cliff it will save them from COVID-19.

    Myself, I can’t watch any tv, because even if you avoid the commercials, half the channels have crap crawling across the bottom of the screen, cases, deaths, governor said X, mayor said X, health department said X.
    Today I turned on the radio and had to turn it off because some kind of public announcement from a grocery store cashier and nurse about being on the front lines and needing our support to stop the spread. You’re not damn soldiers, shut the hell up.

  16. Yes, the doctors love me so much they’ve suspended all my appointments for routine care of chronic conditions. Apparently I’m a filthy, diseased bastard who can just go away and die.


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