“Every hour Trudeau is skiing or smoking pot is an hour he’s not raising taxes” – IOTW Report

“Every hour Trudeau is skiing or smoking pot is an hour he’s not raising taxes”

TheRebel: So where was Justin Trudeau on Saturday? Well, according to his website, he was in “private appointments” in Ottawa.

trudeau lies about ski trip

Except then we all saw photos of our glamorous prime minister skiing in Whistler, B.C.

I see by the CBC’s breathless celebrity-style coverage that Trudeau took the whole family. When you’ve got the government jet and two tax-paid nannies, why not make a flight across the continent to Whistler, B.C., instead of slumming it near Ottawa, or Mont Tremblant, Quebec?

Carbon footprints?

That’s for the little people to worry about.  more

12 Comments on “Every hour Trudeau is skiing or smoking pot is an hour he’s not raising taxes”

  1. Don’t you see–this is what the global elite want for POTUS and Prime Ministers–narcissistic pseudo celebrities who don’t care if the powers that be lurking in the shadows run everything behind the scenes. Happy to take selfies and lavish vacations while the global plotters ruin our lives. And Rubio was the next in line to become the Cuban “Jack Kennedy” bringing Hispanic glamour to the White House. Just a continuous supply of “empty chairs”

  2. This idiot has half the intellect of his father Pierre Trudeau and PET did an untold amount of damage to Canada during his mandates. Justin’s previous job was as a 2nd grade teacher and now this jackass is in charge of a Liberal Party intent on destroying Canada as it now exists. Hell, I guess he couldn’t lose when the media joined together (especially the bastards at MSN) to try to discredit and destroy Prime Minister Harper in the latest election. I’m ashamed of my fellow Canadians for voting in this half-wit puppet into office and giving him a unassailable majority in Parliament. We can only hope that this idiot makes so many mistakes that it can’t be covered up by the media at the next election.

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