Every Logical Fallacy Explained; Or How to Think Like a Leftist – IOTW Report

Every Logical Fallacy Explained; Or How to Think Like a Leftist

The video is only 11 minutes but there are quite a number of false arguments presented, many I’ve never heard of but have witnessed when trying to reason with the left. If the explanations go by too quickly, don’t worry, the creator provided links to his sources. Watch

6 Comments on Every Logical Fallacy Explained; Or How to Think Like a Leftist

  1. Leftism, all you need to know is orange-man bad. They stole everything including my teeny-microscopic brain. All gone, emptied out. Now all I can do is parroting, Polly the parrot.

  2. I know I’m not the only one here who has had to sit opposite a Leftist and listen to the entire panoply of logical fallacies, and this is when they are NOT even arguing their point to anyone! The intersection of all these fallacies is the absence of fact.

    The argumental fallacy I most often hear is the Vacuous Truth fallacy. It’s one of the hardest ones to take because to counter it one has to get out a white board and spend at least an hour explaining the true history of the subject before the real debate even begins, then your progtard opponent resorts to any number of discrediting fallacies before he finally calls you a racist/homophobe/islamophonbe/transphobe, or Nazi.


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