Every parent at Disney – IOTW Report

Every parent at Disney

h/t Ghost.

27 Comments on Every parent at Disney

  1. sounds, looks and probably smells like florida disney, california disney isn’t that humid looking. have been to both but will not be going to either ever again. there’s no return on this investment.

  2. Ever been to Celebration? Town outside of Florida Disney that should give any American the shivers.

    Perfect planning and kool aide lifestyle for those drones who work at Disney. Drove into once and left screaming about the future eutopia the left has in store for us.

  3. Stay focused.

    Going to Disney or giving $ to any Disney subsidiary

    = giving money to people who plan on your demographic disappearance and who promote child molestation.

  4. I remember a world where we went to Disneyland when we were bored. and if you already had a ticket book, it cost $5 to get in. When my son was 4 it still only cost $100 for a season pass.
    Lol, I still have a ticket book!

  5. Two summers ago at Disney World, guess what my Petey B rode to infinity and beyond right after we got off of Toy Story? Right again all you hater potaters who didn’t vote for Biden…my Petey B rode my unbleached elastic starfish!

  6. not enough diversity….

    apparently blacks are smarter than whites, they don’t blow the wad at disney…

    all that disney wokeness and yet no POS, oops I meant POC, are in the park.

    I always thought mickey mouse was black?

    Mickey: “I didn’t say minnie was insane, I said she was f’n goofy”

  7. The death march to the parking lot after the fireworks.

    And staying after the fireworks for that last ride is like catching the last helicopter out of Saigon. People throwing elbows and lying their asses off to break in line. Hard pass.

    No good options late except a park bench in the dark waiting for the fantasyland antifa surge to ebb.

  8. Thanks MJA!

    Within ten seconds of that vid I was cracking up…

    “…All my home schooled kids wanna do is go to the Hall of Presidents…” :>O

    Have a great day!

  9. Funny!
    Went years ago. Off season so no lines.
    Before pc culture invaded.

    We drove through Celebration right after it was built and all we could think of was Stepford Wives.
    Although now there are some restaurants and bars that are pretty good and non Celebration residents go to.

  10. If you’re a parent with kids screaming to go to RatWorld Orlando, do yourself a favor and take ’em to Gatorland in Sanford instead. Trust me on this one.

    Your chirrens will remember Gatorland for the rest of their lives and reminisce fondly about it at family gatherings forever after. Best of all, it will cost you maybe $200 bucks max instead of RatWorld’s wallet-sucking, retirement-ruining exorbitant prices.

    Screw Disney! They are far left Progressive Socialist virtue signaling Korporate Amerika wokester assholes!


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