Every Post You Make, Every Selfie You Take They’ll Be Watching You – IOTW Report

Every Post You Make, Every Selfie You Take They’ll Be Watching You


A recent study by Consumer Reports, in collaboration with The Markup, has unveiled the extensive scale of data tracking aimed at Facebook users. Some users in the study were tracked by as many as 7,000 companies. More

9 Comments on Every Post You Make, Every Selfie You Take They’ll Be Watching You

  1. So it is clear, now
    What was said all along
    ANY Company you do business with
    That keeps records
    And submits data to the GOV concerning those records
    Has cross-referenced you inside out
    From your .87 cent Dick Pills (Shipping and Handling NOT Inc)
    To your Hotel PPV Tab

    By The Way
    Do you know what a Fani is?
    Is it Phoney or is it Fanny
    It is Fani
    In Other Words A CUNT
    Look it up

  2. Your smart “spy” phone knows every time (& location) you fart. You’re bought and sold daily. They make millions off you.
    They should pay you to carry them, not you paying them $200.00 a month.
    Like every thing with the so called “progressives”…their nomenclature means the opposite of the real purpose.

  3. I’ve always said if someone or something is interested in my activities they most certainly have boring lives of their own. Information is necessary for efficiency and planning. What is troubling is that some entities use it for nefarious purposes, including our government. With advanced technology and our tolerance it will only get worse.

  4. I intend to go to my grave never having used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I saw years ago that they are massive data mining operations. Ditto Ancestry and 23 & Me. As a sage often says, “if it’s free, then YOU are the product”.

    Now think of all the kids and young adults who’ve been tracked daily their entire lives. Many schools require membership to their Facebook groups in order for parents to participate in their childrens’ education experience. Brave New World we’ve entered.


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