Everybody Hates Nikki – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Nikki

Don surber:
Nikki, they still hate you and want you to die.

I see where Nikki Haley showed all the loyalty of a Mitt Romney as she dumped on Donald Trump. That’s the thanks he gets for appointing her ambassador to the UN, even though she virulently opposed his nomination in 2016.

How cute. She thinks this will endear her to the press.That will never happen.

They hate her and want her to die.

On September 13, 2018, the New York Times reported, “Nikki Haley’s View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701.”

The story began, “The State Department spent $52,701 last year buying customized and mechanized curtains for the picture windows in Nikki R. Haley’s official residence as ambassador to the United Nations.”

The story was wrong.

This was the doing of Obama.

The story in fact was leaked by a White House official in the Obama administration, Brett Bruen, who never told reporters that Obama did this, not Haley. more

21 Comments on Everybody Hates Nikki

  1. But apparently she doesn’t have a crime family nor a son named Hunter to call her the “big guy.”

    The election was stolen. Biden is not, never has been, nor ever will be the legitimate President of the United Gulag 0f America.

  2. Haley has proven herself to be totally worthless. I had respect for her at one time, but no more. NO ONE should ever consider her for any position whatsoever, including local dogcatcher. Go away, Nikki. Your moment of glory is long gone over with! :^#

  3. These RINOs will never change. It’s always more important for them to chase the elusive adoration of The New York Times than to work for the American people.
    They don’t even realize that, after the 2020 election, the days of going to the polls to hold your nose for a McCain or Romney are OVER.

  4. In DC if you want a friend – buy a dog.

    Betrayal is built on trust – and DC abounds in betrayal and abused trust. A bunch of knife-wielding, back-stabbing, slimy, lying, cork-smokers who would forcibly fornicate their mothers in front of audiences (or on live TV) if it brought them some infinitesimal gain.

    An ex-Architect of the Capitol who had dealt with the gangsters and Mafiosos of New York claimed that those gangsters and Mafiosos were more honest and forthright than the Members of the House and Senate.

    As a skunk can’t change its stripes, neither can a politico change its nature.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s not Nikki, it’s all the Republicans. They are corporatist traitors just like the democrats. The democrats are not socialist. They are corporatists. We need to start making the distinction. The democrats and republicans are unified in their commitment to keeping the left right divide intact while extracting the wealth of the American people and transfering it to their corporate employers. Democrat or republican there is no difference. We’ve got to stop allowing them to manipulate us. We must stop it, you must open your eyes.

  6. @Dan Ryan Galt — Same with me (re RNC) when I emailed them back with (more-or-less) the same pointed message.

    @WDS — Thanks for that story link. Here’s the salient conclusion from it:

    ““These donors are angry and they do not want to sit down with Nikki Haley,” he said.

    “I guess she forgot to mention this to Politico,” Baris added.

    Baris said his sources tell him Haley, Graham, and other establishment Republicans have been planning for more than a year how to break the GOP away from President Trump.

    Stephen K. Bannon said it won’t work. “She will never be the 2024 nominee. She will never be president,” he said.”

    …and neither will any other RINO pick they try to ram down our throats.

  7. ““She will never be the 2024 nominee. She will never be president,” he said.”

    We live in interesting times. IF the Politburo wants her to be the nominee, SHE WILL BE THE NOMINEE. And if that same Politburo wants her to be Presidunce, SHE WILL BE PRESIDUNCE.

    Simply put, if they can select a criminally-tainted dementia-retard like the Usurper Biden and thrust him into the White Hut, they can, literally, put ANYONE in the same place.

    They could scarcely have made a more prominently insulting choice – daring us to hang them for their hubristic outrageousness.

    izlamo delenda est …


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