Everybody Hates Ralph Northam – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Ralph Northam

Yesterday, we saw Democrat Governor Ralph Northam apologize for the yearbook photo in which he either dressed in Black Face or as the Klan member. He’s not fessing up to which one he was. My guess? He was the Klansman. He also didn’t say that he would resign.

For some strange reason, CNN lied got all confused  and labeled Northam, a Democrat, as a Republican during the little white haired boy’s broadcast.

It got worse for Northam (he’s a Democrat if, like CNN, you had forgotten) when the calls for his resignation started from people within his own party,  including the people who have killed more Blacks than the KKK itself, Planned Parenthood.

Even Senator Spartacus  himself is upset! And so are California’s versions of  Ocasio-Cortez- Ted Lieu  and Eric Swalwell. 
The Richmond Times-Dispatch also demands his resignation. Well, at least they didn’t endorse him.

Why did Northam choose that picture for his yearbook photo?
Why won’t he tell us which one of the two is him?
Why did the medical school think this photo was a good idea?
Anyone heard from the black Lt. Governor yet?




27 Comments on Everybody Hates Ralph Northam

  1. Althea King tied PP TO KKK through Margaret Sanger this am. While tying Northam with his abortion remarks to all of it and also said anyone supporting PP supports KKK. SO ALL THE DEMS ARE RACISTS!!!!

  2. Remember the Lt. Governor?That’s the reason so many in his own party are calling for Northam’s resignation.Justin Fairfax is not terribly popular in most of the state,and would likely lose in the next governor’s race.By forcing Northam out,the democrats promote Fairfax and his far left agenda without all that messy election ‘nonsense’.They go around all those non-cooperative voters.The party had already seen Northam’s medical school yearbook,they were just waiting for the right time.

  3. @Anonymous, do you mean Dr. Alveda King, MLK’s niece? She’s a great prolifer, working long side of Fr. Frank Pavone. Dr. King KNOWS PP and Democrats do enormous damage to the Blank population; she works tirelessly to end that.

  4. Ya’ll see a native of Minnesota, Lizz Winstead, the co-creator of The Daily Show, along with Maria Hinojosa, executive producer of Latino USA National Public Radio on msNBC. . .
    Baby Killer Tag Team.

    Saw EVIL LIVE.
    They arrr shh…shh…shhhakin

    Hair cLips
    Total Eclipse of the Heart

    Within 12 hours they are already looking to SCOTUS for more Abortion ruling.

  5. So a Democrat gets judged by the same standards they have been judging everyone else by.

    Shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    The Bible, in Jesus words, tells us we will end up being judged by the same standards we judge others by,

    Maybe they should read and understand it instead of just using part of that scripture to use as a weapon of judgement against others (i.e Matthew 7:1 is quoted by itself while Matthew 7:2 is ignored and left out.)

    For that matter, maybe we should all pay more attention to it, myself included, and avoid the creeping hypocrisy it warns us against.

  6. Ha ha ha!
    Doing comedy shit 30 years ago is more worser than killing babies today!

    “Hell in a Hand Basket,” anyone?

    We’re not at the edge of the abyss – we’re in headlong descent – approaching terminal velocity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. There is something totally delicious about the Fascist Party hoisted on their own petard. But it does remind us that the their vision of the world; their safe spaces/trigger warnings/dopey culture appropriation sanctimony, must be fought and condemned at every turn.

    10 years from now an innocuous Halloween photo of any of us, where a man dressed up like a woman, or a white man dressed up as an Indian or wearing a sombrero, all in good fun of course but the moral outrage will be equal to what we see now with Northam and his black face. They will literally want your head on a spike. Certainly not a world I want to live in.

  8. It would be an opportune moment for the Republicans to unite and destroy the Democrat brand. But the establishment Republicans won’t go for that. Named in honor of the most virulent segregationist and racist Presidents since reconstruction: There is a Wilson High School located in each and every Democrat stronghold, and they have to defend those to the bitter end or open a full on assault on monuments to progressivism.

    Shortly after the Los Angeles launch, Thomas Dixon Jr. convinced President Wilson to screen the movie inside the White House, arguably the first time that was ever done. President Wilson reportedly said of the film, “It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”

    How ‘The Birth of a Nation’ Revived the Ku Klux Klan

    This latest example of Democrats elevating bald faced racists to leadership rolls within their Party demonstrates that the past isn’t the past as far as Democrat racism is concerned.

  9. Margaret Sanger, who coordinated with the KKK in her efforts directed toward black genocide, may have been a racist, but she was our racist. Better not rescind any of the posthumous awards presented her in the last couple decades by Democrats.


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