Everybody Hates Savannah Guthrie – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Savannah Guthrie

Liberals Rage Over Savannah Guthrie Interview With Covington Student Nick Sandmann.

DC: Progressive Twitter users slammed journalist Savannah Guthrie’s interview with Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann Wednesday and were outraged over her giving the Kentucky teen a platform to speak.

Members of the media, activists, authors and other prominent accounts on Twitter accused Guthrie of staging the interview and urged others to boycott her and NBC’s “Today” show — an effort spearheaded by The New Agenda founder Amy Siskind.

They also accused Guthrie of working in concert with the Sandmann family’s crisis management team, hired after social media user barraged Sandmann with death threats, to contrive an innocent appearance for Sandmann, despite video evidence proving that neither he nor his classmates behaved as racist aggressors in their confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips and black supremacists.  more here

15 Comments on Everybody Hates Savannah Guthrie

  1. just another news person trying to be in the spot light. and why did that kid even agree to go on the program? did he get paid for it and does his family need the money? If he believes in GOD as a catholic shouldn’t he leave it in HIS hands to defend him and not defend himself? Poor kid looked way out of his league on that show.

  2. Well, she tried. I’ll give her that, but the truly disturbed would never listen to reason no matter how it was said….
    I think I first read Dianny saying this….”It’s not Trump they want to silence, it’s us”….

  3. I was disappointed when I heard he was going to do an interview. Prager covered this on his show today and he played clips, then gave commentary. Infuriating. This kid has nothing to answer for. Why the parents allowed this, I don’t know. I would be demanding my local law enforcement be spearheading efforts to arrest everyone who issued a threat to my child over this. Right. Fucking. Now.

    Yesterday, Glenn Beck did a very good, moment-by-moment analysis of the incident, playing audio from the full video and then playing what the Toothless Indian told the media had happened. He needs to have the rest of his teeth knocked out for the monumental lie he told, then charged for inciting violence and abuse upon a minor.

  4. And to think that some years ago when Shitkind was first organizing the “New Agenda” which was supposed to be a “big tent” alternative to the Dem-only NOW, some here in So. Fla. invited her down to speak at the local Republican Women’s Club. Those who met her didn’t last long; it rapidly became clear that the purpose of Agenda was to promote Shitkind. Why does the media give this nothing publicity.

  5. The CNN interview with Kita Taitano and Nathan Phillips was sickening. Phillips was lying through his teeth and Taitano was on the verge of tears.
    Then, according to “Big League Politics,” National Review’s Deputy managing editor, Nicholas Frankovich, penned a piece called “The Covington Students Might as Well Have Spat on the Cross.” which was published at 3am on Sunday. ( 3am on Sunday? probably after a good feed of 84 proof Makers Mark.)
    Editor Rich Lowry, the report goes on, is “deeply chagrined” by incident. Not sure if Lowry was chagrined by Frankovich’s remarks, or by the conduct of the Catholic children at the Lincoln Memorial?
    Frankovich goes on: “It appears that most of the teenagers in this video are from a Catholic High School near Covington, Kentucky….. They mock a serious, frail-looking older man and gloat in their momentary role as Roman soldiers to his Christ. ‘Bullying’ is a worn-out word and doesn’t convey the full extent of the evil displayed here.”
    Granted, the piece was withdrawn by Lowry, the Editor. But can you imagine sons of bitches like this guy writing for National Review?
    The magazine founded by the great William F. Buckley?
    On top of all this shit we have the Catholic Church and the Catholic School condemning these young men for wearing MAGA hats!
    I give up.

  6. Picture Savannah Guthrie, in a real baby voice, interviewing a rape victim. “Could it be Sonya, that if you were not wearing a halter, mini skirt, and gladiator boots, the guy would not notice you, and rape you?
    Do you think if you were not wearing that MAGA hat, this would not have happened? Gimmeafuckinbbreak!


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