“Everyone is entitled to do the YMCA dance, regardless of their political affiliation.” – IOTW Report

“Everyone is entitled to do the YMCA dance, regardless of their political affiliation.”

PJM: The Village People to Fans Enraged at Trump Using Their Music: ‘Everyone is Entitled to Do the YMCA Dance’

Every now and then we see a “Musician Condemns Republican for Using Music at Rally” story. It’s the same thing every time: Some GOP politician will use a popular song to entertain a crowd, legally and above board, and the musician who originally performed the song will panic that anybody might think they like the Republicans. The musician blasts out an angry tweet and/or press release, all the “news” outlets cover it without noting that the Republican used the song legally, and the musician signals his or her virtue to avoid getting #cancelled. Almost always, the musician hasn’t had a hit in years and should be glad for the publicity. It’s all very boring by this point.

That’s why today I doff my cowboy hat, my Indian headdress, and my motorcycle cop helmet to disco legends the Village People for telling the plain, simple, boring truth. more

7 Comments on “Everyone is entitled to do the YMCA dance, regardless of their political affiliation.”

  1. Trap question for Republicans,

    “So what actor and music do you like?”

    “Oh, I really like Harrison Ford movies and Pearl Jam…”


    Harrison Ford and Pearl Jam have released statements condemning racist, homophobic said Republican.

  2. Note to bands who don’t want certain people to use “their” music for whatever reasons: don’t release the music for public distribution from which you make a profit. Once you release the music publicly, it’s not “yours” any longer except that you make money from it.

  3. Disco still sucks and always will, sometimes I think it was almost as bad or worse than crap/hiphop music. Maybe all the Trump supporters should grab their shotguns and throw all the disco albums up in the air and blow them all to Hell like clay pigeons. Pull, bammo until all of the disco albums are destroyed.


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