Everything About the Clintons is Phony Baloney – Post Election Photo Most Likely Staged – IOTW Report

Everything About the Clintons is Phony Baloney – Post Election Photo Most Likely Staged

The first “candid” post-election shot of Hillary is of a “chance meeting” in the woods in Chappaqua with a woman who was hiking while Hillary was walking her dog.


She posted it to Facebook and gushed about bumping into the relaxed and refreshed looking Hillary walking her dog.

Turns out the woman has known the Clintons for years and have held fundraisers for her.3a4a220300000578-0-image-a-44_1478925754747

The pictures were deleted from Facebook.

Still trying to fool the public, and it will never end until she is 6 feet under.

What a calculating bitch.

ht/ just the tip




33 Comments on Everything About the Clintons is Phony Baloney – Post Election Photo Most Likely Staged

  1. Great headline, BFH.

    Yep. Phoney and staged.

    ” See, she ‘ain’t no wayzzz tarred’. Hilary 2020! ”

    That smug psychopathic smirk is on a collision course with a DoJ/NSA/FBI/IRS machine that will finish ALL the Clintons and their minions.

    Liz Warren is smacking her lips and already trying to crown herself as Heir Apparent.
    But Fauxcohantas is just as unelectable as the Evil Queen Of Benghazi.
    And for much the same reasons.


    PS– the NYT editorial management today is announcing it is “re-dedicating ” itself to fair and impartial reporting. Beginning of a trend.

  2. Some things:
    First, gone are the blue contacts
    Second different dog from the muumuu shots (don’t think she’s a dog person)
    Third, she’s outside on uneven ground more than 100 LF from a prop
    Fourth, no one just ‘happens’ along inside the security perimeter around a former First Lady

  3. Exactly what @norman einstein said, plus upping the bs ante further, while coordinating a dog through the woods on a leash. Hillary’s inner dialogue: “Feets don’t fail me now!”

    Seems a bit lackadaisical, to ignore the possibility that some passing by critter, might get the dog’s attention. Now that would be some real Climate Change.

  4. It’s a damn shame and ironic that the only mainstream media outlet that can be trusted to present unbiased news on the American political situation is the U.K.’s Daily Mail.
    You think you’ll see this reported anywhere in the U.S.? No.
    And I’m not talking just this article. I’m talking throughout the whole campaign. And beyond.
    Kudos to the U.K. Daily Mail.

  5. Of course it was staged. In what universe would Hillary Clinton go hiking? And then just “happen upon” a fan in the woods. They still think we’re stupid. Oh, wait. The photo was for her fans. They ARE stupid. Never mind…

  6. RiverLife…..quite right! Whoever photoshopped that forgot to reduce the size of Grammas face to match the body. That head is not proportional whatsoever! FAKE as they are! Now, why do this? to keep in the news to inspire the rebels, to make sure they deliver on what they are making $15 per hour to do. HILLARY< move off the society page, the political page, and get your fat ass to the Obits and WAIT your turn! Or you are permitted to hit the tabloids as they haul you off to prison.

  7. Now, people. Stranger coincidences have actually happened. Think about it. What’s less likely to happen: You accidentally run into someone you already happen to know, hiking in the woods around one of your houses; or you accidentally run into the Attorney General of The United States on a jet tarmac a thousand miles from any of your houses? It’s all perfectly innocent (or, at least, nothing that any reasonable prosecutor would pursue).

  8. Obviously staged, but when was the picture taken? Could it have been months or years ago? Its release is pure Soviet style propaganda. Wasn’t Stalin pictured as vital and active for months after he died? Maybe it was Mao?

  9. Y’know … I was out walking the goose the other day … and damned if there wasn’t a professional photographer with a professional propagandist – right there in the woods! Really! No shit! Just “hiking” is what they said!

    izlamo delenda est …

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  1. Hillary, Again, Bumps Into “Ordinary” Citizen While She Is Out Doing Ordinary Things

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