Everything Bernie Sanders Says is Wrong – IOTW Report

Everything Bernie Sanders Says is Wrong

Wealth inequality, shrinking middle-class, child-poverty? All of these crises, that the left speaks so urgently about, are nothing but data manipulation, manufactured specifically to fire-up the leftist voter base.


6 Comments on Everything Bernie Sanders Says is Wrong

  1. Numbers are racist. It’s about how we feel. Some people think they aren’t provided the same opportunities, when in actuality everyone is provided the same opportunities. The ability for someone to act on those opportunities is limited only by government. Of all the crisis that are in such urgent need of repair were in general created thanks to the liberals, not because of any hard facts or intelligence, but how we feel. They are doing a pretty good job making people feel miserable, hence the current state of our country is a reflection of that misery.

  2. Socialism was invented by the Sissy in the Cave.
    Unable to compete, unwilling cooperate with the other men in the group he hides in the cave with the women and rationalizes his actions, and justifies his consumption of group resources with his whining about equality.
    Socialism in its root, is concern over what somebody else has and how it relates to your situation.
    What somebody else has is what somebody else has.
    What you have in relation to what someone else has should trigger a mature ambition response instead of an immature ‘where’s mine?’ response.

  3. The only place on Earth where everyone is equal is the cemetery.

    That’s the socialist’s goal. They are consumed by a satanic hatred for all living things, the good, the decent, the light, and the Word.

    They can NEVER be satiated. NEVER be at peace. NEVER be at rest. There is always one more child to sacrifice, one more perverted act to perform, one more insult to spew, one more puppy to torture. They are angry at God Almighty for being God – and they aren’t.

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