Everything Liz does makes me cringe – IOTW Report

Everything Liz does makes me cringe

Patriot Retort: Jesse Kelly was right when he called Elizabeth Warren’s quest for the White House “the Campaign of Cringe.”

Everything Liz does makes me cringe.  And not a small, fleeting cringe either.

It’s one of those full-body cringes that starts at the corners of your mouth and quickly spreads all the way to the tips of your toes.

Case in point, this painfully awkward promotional video from Rolling Stone.

See, Rolling Stone is featuring Liz as their January 2020 cover story.  So they released a video of the photo shoot they did with her as a way to promote it.

And the cringe factor is off the charts.

19 Comments on Everything Liz does makes me cringe

  1. She has everything Hillary has, without the cuddliness. She’s just as mean and just as shrill. Just as commie.

    And hey. My shrinkage after seeing Liz is just the same as for Hillary. Maybe more.

    Good Lord women. Even if you don’t own mirrors, can you not even roll tape and see what you look like? You’re miserable snarling shrews.

  2. one of Liz’s handlers used to work for Sub Pop records. she lives around the corner from me. Courtney Love wrote Doll Parts here in dorchester MA. i take it that’s were these “make her a rock star” ideas are coming from.

  3. She’s got that ‘Kindergarten teacher that’s just seen something unsavory’ voice and she’s as genuine as Naugahyde
    She wants to forgive student debt when she taught one (uno) class at Harvard and took 400K a year for it. Telling us that student debt appeared out of nowhere.
    What kind of fooking retard thinks there are jobs in gender studies anyway?
    The only thing stupider than that is the asswipe who underwrites the loan.
    Make the Colleges liable for the debt and there will be no more useless majors and no more fat jobs for feckless bints.

  4. Lying commie wanna-be Indian is one of the biggest frauds out there. Like Breadline Bernie, has never done a honest day’s work in her life, and the cow is going to tell me how to live?

  5. @Lazlo The Elder:

    What kind of fooking retard thinks there are jobs in gender studies anyway? The only thing stupider than that is the asswipe who underwrites the [student] loan.

    Um, that would be you and me and our fellow taxpayers doing that underwriting — by way of the feddle gummint.


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