Everything That’s Wrong With SJWs and Their Appeasers in One Story – IOTW Report

Everything That’s Wrong With SJWs and Their Appeasers in One Story

A bar in Athens Ohio had a message on a chalkboard.


An Ohio bar is facing backlash after displaying a sign with a handwritten message that many have deemed offensive.

A photo of the sign, hanging on a wall at Broney’s Alumni Grill in Athens, went viral after an upset customer shared it on social media.

Lia Knox posted a picture of the sign on Facebook Friday, which reads: “If you’re looking for a safe space this ain’t it Cupcake.”

The handwritten message was displayed on a large chalkboard branded with the logo of Rhinegeist, a Cincinnati-based brewery and vendor of the bar. And on Saturday, Rhinegeist announced it would no longer be doing business with Broney’s over the “ignorant, disrespectful” message.

“At Rhinegeist, we are committed to our people and our community. Today, we were made aware of an offensive message written on a Rhinegeist-branded chalkboard at Broney’s Alumni Grill in Athens, Ohio. The content of the message was ignorant, disrespectful, and wholly inconsistent with our values as a company. As a result, we have ended our relationship with this establishment and will not do business with them in the future,” the brewery wrote on Facebook.

“We look forward to continuing to champion inclusion, respect, love, and equality. Thank you and have a great weekend.”

Critics of the sign noted that the bar is located near the Ohio University campus, which many claim has a high rate of sexual assault.


Not only does the whining and protesting prove that the left are snowflakes, the Rhinegeist company are their enablers.

Screw them both, and also Broney’s. They say they are launching an “internal investigation,” as if there was an actual malfeasance perpetrated.

This world has become cumbersome to exist in because of the left. They need to be eradicated.



27 Comments on Everything That’s Wrong With SJWs and Their Appeasers in One Story

  1. As soon as I get home I’m going to pour my Rhinegeist down the drain, and never buy another.

    Hey Czar, did you see Q is back in action? Maybe you’re right……patience……patience.

  2. I think that Rheingeist just joined Yeti and Dick’s Sporting Goods “We’ll Go Down But We’ll Stand On Our Principles” campaign.
    Rheingeist’s problem is that they’re a brewery, not a vineyard…..Hipsters prefer Chardonnay.

  3. Hey! We like chardonnay! Never heard of Rheingeist, so can’t hurt them by our consumption habits. Still hope they go down the slimy, fecal-encrusted tube they so richly deserve.

  4. TO joe6pak
    Thanks for the heads up about Q (I’ve been too busy with personal stuff)…I was wondering, since the last was on the 4th of July.

    As far as “patience” goes…it looks like the action is ramping up. “step by step, inch by inch”…as they say!

  5. Way back in the early 70s as a long haired aspiring teenage rock star, I was hired as drummer for a poopular country band on “tour” of the regional dive joints.
    The circumstances required body guards for me for obvious reasons.
    These whiners should experience those “spaces” let alone the life I’ve lived……damn snitpusses.

  6. Hey Rheingeist….How did you come up with a logo which manages to look both KKK and Einsatzgruppe? I hope your precious SS (Safe-Spacers) storm your front.

  7. Once again, the Left is showing us how to refuse service or sales to them… Don’t turn away gay couples or turn down work because of WHO people are or what they DO; refuse to serve them dinner or to photograph their wedding or stock their bar or whatever because of what they BELIEVE. And feel righteous about it and shame THEM on social media while you’re at it!
    (Then get back to real life. Sheesh!)

  8. Hey Rheingeist! Ya coulda been a contender! Ya coulda been somebody, instead of a bum!
    You coulda had a lot of good people lined up at the doors but yer corporate pussies fcked up big time by knuckling under to the Leftists!
    See ya bye!

  9. Used to be in the days BOE -before Obama era – such a posting, if even noticed would, be treated as the dumb joke that it is. Today, it’s a cue for panties-twisting hysteria and overreaction. Used to be if a company did not approve of how its logo was displayed it would contact the bar and just ask them to take it down.

  10. Here’s a link to something that we should all spread around in non-support of this whiny movement…


    Sadly, the bar – ‘Bronys’ broke down and issued a full apology, and promised to find out who did it so they could be reprimanded, so I’d skip going there as well – all of this apologizing is what’s ruined everything in the first place…

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