‘Everytown’s Biden Endorsement Is All Gun Owners Need To Know’ – IOTW Report

‘Everytown’s Biden Endorsement Is All Gun Owners Need To Know’


BELLEVUE, WA — The campaign endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden by Everytown for Gun Safety—the gun prohibition lobbying group bankrolled by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg—is “All gun owners need to know about the man who wants to be their next president,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

The Associated Press reported Everytown’s endorsement on the eve of “mini-Super Tuesday” primary elections in a half-dozen states, including Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and Washington.

“There’s nothing subtle about this endorsement,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Everytown President John Feinblatt told the Associated Press that Biden’s gun control record is clear. Biden supported the Brady Bill in 1993, he opposed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and he’s backed every gun control measure to ever come along. read more

11 Comments on ‘Everytown’s Biden Endorsement Is All Gun Owners Need To Know’

  1. Bunch of full of shit, lying dog-faced pony soldiers!

    You. Me. Push up contest. Outside. Now.

    You’re talking gorgonzola when it’s clearly brie time, baby.

    You using Prell?


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