Evidence of Obama Misconduct During the 2016 Election – IOTW Report

Evidence of Obama Misconduct During the 2016 Election

Gateway Pundit – Fired Anti-Trump Ukrainian Ambassador Was Monitoring Communications of John Solomon and US Journalists Prying into Ukraine!

Yovanovich was US ambassador to Ukraine during the 2016 election when the Ukrainian government was colluding with the DNC and Hillary Campaign to undermine the US presidential election. [snip]

Starting in 2018 Yovanovich denied Ukrainian officials visas to enter the United States to hand over evidence of Obama administration misconduct to Trump administration officials.

Update: We heard from a trusted source that this is much broader than is being reported and that the ambassador is out of her mind. This is going to be a really big story!

Read here.

15 Comments on Evidence of Obama Misconduct During the 2016 Election

  1. My dream scenario: Hillary, Biden (father and son), Holder and Lynch all go to prison. Bill and Obozo get convicted but receive presidential pardons during the second Trump term.

  2. Give it up. The only way the bastards will get what’s due them is, if they are standing next to the Alps sized mountain of ‘evidence’ and a huge sink hole opens up under them and the mountain of ‘evidence’ falls in after them.

    But I feel such despair waiting for justice, I’d bet they’d land in the arms of their master, Satan, and the ‘evidence’ would turn to ashes after falling into hell after them.

  3. O.k., Democrats – let’s gear up for our next Trumpapalooza where we embarrass The Donald, induce calls for impeachment and increases our chances of winning the White House next year. We have our idiot media and late night taking heads in the bag, but we need to make sure that none of this can come back on us. Heads up, people – it’s time to make sure we don’t have any dirty laundry.

    First, is there anyone who hasn’t taken money from a foreign government? Shut up, Joe – I know $900k pales in comparison to Hillary’s shakedowns, but it’s still more than we allow most Americans to keep in a lifetime. C’mon Bernie, give me a break. Extra houses and sports cars don’t grow on trees and voters should never find out where you got the cash. Sit down Hillary, no one’s listening to you anymore. What, no one has turned down foreign payments? No wonder we couldn’t hang Trump on emoluments when you jackasses are filling your pockets with foreign loot.

    Now, who’s being careful with leaks to the media and our enemies? What, you’re all romantically involved with reporters? Look, I can still see NBC’s cameras – you people aren’t even trying to hide them anymore. Shut up, Brennan – you have the Kremlin on speed dial and we all know it. In fact….hello? Yes, I’m trying to have a strategy meeting – how does the New York Times know about it already when it’s still happening? And who invited the FBI to this strategy session anyway?

    I suppose I’m wasting my time discussing sexual deviancy with you people. Buttigieg – turn that bar stool right side up and sit on it properly. Kamala, that’s a fire hose and not a plaything, and I would appreciate it…I give up.

    Look, you people are all corrupt, hypocritical deviants and if the Republicans weren’t so inept, we would be run out of town. I’m adjourning this meeting and going over to the education department to at least make sure we keep dumbing down future voters. I’m beginning to think Marianne Williamson has a better shot at the Presidency than any of you.


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