Evidence that Florida Is Padding Covid-19 Related Deaths – IOTW Report

Evidence that Florida Is Padding Covid-19 Related Deaths

People dying in crashes are being counted as Covid deaths. To justify this idiocy a doctor said, “hey, we don’t know if the Covid caused them to crash!!”

Uh huh. Take your mask and shove it up your maskhole.

13 Comments on Evidence that Florida Is Padding Covid-19 Related Deaths

  1. The presstitudes keep harping on Trump’s lack of personal COVID pressers. What’s he hiding?

    Give the people what they want Trump. Call a WH brief…make it in the Rose Garden….the big beautiful Rose Garden.
    “I call you here today to give the people the truth. The full unadulterated stats on where we’re at as a nation in our battle with the Kung Flu“ {gasps ring out from the audience}

    Drop the Jumbotron screens and let ‘er rip.

    Every report, video, unbiased experts opinions and especially the nurse from FL working the death house NY hospital.

    IMO this is the biggest failure of his Communications team.

  2. 14 Early Signs of Legionnaires Disease:


    You can get a bacteria infection from masks. It has the same symptoms as covid. You can have covid antibodies and they will diagnose you with covid but you are suffering from a bacterial infection from your mask.

    Someone called in to Rush today and said this is what happened to his wife. They thought she was on the verge of death from covid. He insisted they test her for more than just covid and they found she had Legionnaires Disease.

    She was treated for that and fine the next day.

    How much of this surge is actually bacterial infections caused by masks? I suspect a lot of it is just that.

  3. Kevin R… there are NO unique symptoms of this COVID-19 virus. AND the CDC has expoited that fact to add ‘positives’ to their totals, Nationwide.

    This is from the CDC site, look up Coronavirus Disease, go to Cases and Data, then find FAQ-COVID-19 Data and Surveillance.
    then look for the passage below, and each has links imbedded. Click on those and get ready for your hair to catch fire! AND another thing… when on that link they supply, look for: Criteria to Distinguish a New Case from an Existing Case check out THAT answer.
    Understanding the Data

    What is a COVID-19 case?
    What is a COVID-19 probable case?

    We’re screwed either way. They can’t identify specifically COVID-19 … they’re just pissing in the wind. If you’re sick… you have COVID. They are making so we can NEVER go back to work until after the election. Anywhichway they can. I could make you even more angry, but I’m holding back. I don’t want to freak people out too much.

    I’m sorry is someone else saw all this and posted it. I just found it a day ago thought I’d share.

  4. Legionnaires Disease is no joke! A couple of Las Vegas casinos had a quick case of it a few years back. They had to send notices to people who were there before and after the outbreak. One of my friends got a letter asking her if she was okay or if she had to see a doctor. She got her dr. bill paid for the visit and she got comped. lol

    Anyway, at my doctor’s visit yesterday, there was a sign on the door saying if you have one of the following symptoms, you may have COVID19.
    And I’m reading the list and it says,

    Unusual sleepiness, lack of energy,
    shortness of breath,
    loss of sense of smell/taste…

    and like 15 other things.

    I had 9 of those at once. It’s called seasonal allergy + lint allergy combined.

    PLEASE! Lord, plague these evil people with shame. And maybe some murder hornets, I dunno.
    I’m so sick of this.

  5. They can only push this so far, experience has shown that the cases and deaths (fictional as they may be) will begin to decline and then fall off. By Labor Day this will largely be over.

  6. this is nothing.

    just wait until its election time and your local overlords issue an “emergency” diktat that you will NOT be allowed to go into the polls to vote unless you have PROOF that you have grabbed your ankles and taken your bill gates funded covid-19 vaccine like a good little sheeple even though the virus has mutated into a non-deadly form a few months ago.

    They will not let this crap go and will double down after the election by instituting new covid-19 rules “for your safety” that will not allow to go into ANY store, public building, or government office without your PROOF of taking the unneeded gates-vaccine.

    but don’t worry the vaccine is perfectly safe to take says the man standing to make trillions from all the deaths….

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