Ex-attorney for Daniels, McDougal says clients wanted to revive careers — and he never saw Trump’s signature on agreement – IOTW Report

Ex-attorney for Daniels, McDougal says clients wanted to revive careers — and he never saw Trump’s signature on agreement


The New York criminal case against former President Donald Trump continued Thursday with a hearing on additional alleged gag order violations and testimony from the prosecution’s witness attorney, Keith Davidson. Davidson previously represented porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, both of whom allegedly had an affair with Trump.

Davidson testified that he never saw a copy of the so-called hush money agreement between “David Dennison,” allegedly Donald Trump, and “Peggy Peterson,” allegedly Stormy Daniels, that was actually signed by Trump. He saw only an agreement signed by Cohen, allegedly on Trump’s behalf.

Additionally, Davidson noted that there was a side agreement that did use the parties’ real names. That agreement listed Peggy Peterson as Stephanie Gregory Clifford, Daniels’ legal name. However, it read, “David Dennison a.k.a.” followed by a blank line.

According to prosecutor Joshua Steinglass, the side agreement did include Trump’s name, but Davidson admittedly was the one who handwrote it. Davidson noted that he has never met Trump and had never even been in the same room as him until these court proceedings. more

5 Comments on Ex-attorney for Daniels, McDougal says clients wanted to revive careers — and he never saw Trump’s signature on agreement

  1. Two virtuous women done wrong allegedly by a Real Estate Tycoon.

    It appears they both tried to screw the Real Estate Tycoon out of his money and failed.
    However, They Received 24/7 free advertisement for their failing careers in the Porn Industry. That’s where the big bucks were.

  2. American legal BS freak show, where truth is a menace and the political judges chase it out of their courts. While in the Air Force I visited a few 4th world chit holes. Yes, there are 3rd World and 4th world chit holes and now I’m living in a big smelly 4th world chit hole one, NY.


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