Ex-FBI Agent Says IRS Whistleblower Was Right, Bidens Were Tipped Off During Investigation – IOTW Report

Ex-FBI Agent Says IRS Whistleblower Was Right, Bidens Were Tipped Off During Investigation

Daily Wire-

A former FBI agent who worked on the investigation into Hunter Biden has corroborated a major claim made by whistleblower and IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley.

The unnamed retired FBI supervisory special agent testified to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability in a closed-door session on July 17. The committee released the 65-page transcript of that testimony on Monday.

The ex-agent backed up allegations made by Shapley that President Joe Biden’s transition team was tipped off about the FBI’s intent to interview Hunter. The agent said he was notified the evening before the date of the expected interview – planned to be held on December 8, 2020 – that the Biden transition team had been warned.

“I was refreshed by the testimony of supervisor No. 2, and I believe he’s correct. I believe I – you know, and now getting into the frame of mind, I know I was upset when I learned about it,” the agent told lawmakers.

In addition to the transition team, the Secret Service, which at that time had a detail guarding Hunter, was also warned. The former agent said that, while he believed the Secret Service was going to be told the morning of the interview, warning the Secret Service that the FBI intended to interview Hunter was justifiable.


2 Comments on Ex-FBI Agent Says IRS Whistleblower Was Right, Bidens Were Tipped Off During Investigation

  1. Hunter’s a coke head crack addict.
    He has had a lot of MUSHROOM TIPS in his mouth esp. when Daddy’s credit card was maxed out.

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