Ex-Georgia official wore fake pregnancy stomach in paid leave scheme – IOTW Report

Ex-Georgia official wore fake pregnancy stomach in paid leave scheme


A former Georgia official faked being pregnant so she could take paid maternity leave — but her scheme came apart when a co-worker noticed her baby bump was bogus, officials said.

Robin Folsom, 43, also allegedly made up a fake baby daddy to send an email to her bosses that said she was under doctor’s orders for several weeks of bed rest after giving birth in May 2021, the Georgia Office of the Inspector General announced this week.

The birth-that-wasn’t came two months after a co-worker at the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency allegedly saw part of Folsom’s fake pregnancy stomach “come away” from her body, according to a news release from the IG’s office.

Folsom, director of external affairs for the agency, sent her co-workers photos of her supposed newborn, but they “depicted children with varying skin tones,” the release stated.


12 Comments on Ex-Georgia official wore fake pregnancy stomach in paid leave scheme

  1. Let’s see:
    “There is no objective, fixed realities as Men/male or Woman/female.”
    “Men can be women.”
    “Women can be men.”
    “Men can get pregnant.”
    “Men can menstruate.”
    “Women can have penises.”
    “A person can be any one of, or a combination of, multiple gender/identities.”

    Then why should this woman be discriminated against? If this is her “truth” and she is identifying as “pregnant” and is choosing to go through the experience, who is to say she is not?


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