Ex-Muslims Turned Christian Storm Church and Shout At Parishioners That They Are Doing It Wrong – IOTW Report

Ex-Muslims Turned Christian Storm Church and Shout At Parishioners That They Are Doing It Wrong

So, this is the way middle-east Christians do Christianity? We might want to think twice about letting the Syrian CHRISTIANS in.


29 Comments on Ex-Muslims Turned Christian Storm Church and Shout At Parishioners That They Are Doing It Wrong

  1. There isn’t ONE off-duty cop in the congregation? Police have changed a lot. Back in the day we always had one or two cops at every sunday mass. Heck, we even had parishioners who played cops on TV.

  2. True but they were there to save the parishioners from hell. The Vatican II is the culprit of most of the evil in the Catholic church today.

    Remember, these folks just came from the most horrible hell bent cults on the planet, Islam so it’s understandable that they feel this way and act on it.

  3. It may not be a crime in Las Vegas but it is in New York. Let me say that if they pulled that shit in St. Malachy’s in Hell’s Kitchen,
    crime or not, they’d have the shit kicked out of them.
    Just sayin.’

    Damnit Navy 21 Army 17.

  4. Sounded like some of the local Baptist and Church of God people that we have locally. They love to denigrate the religion founded by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. These people were converted by anti-Catholics, not Christians.

    I was just laughing with DH about their hypocrisy. They say RC pray to statues, and the hypocrites put creches in their yards. Ooookay! These same born agains (but usually it’s fallen away RCs) try to indict practicing RCs that it’s wrong to ask Mother Mary to pray for us. They apparently don’t “get” the Communion of Saints, nor do they get that Mother Mary is blessed among women. They don’t get that she was born without original sin – does anyone think Abba would have His Son be in the Arc for 9 months if the Arc was pocked with sin? And I can go on and on.

  5. I agree with bitterclinger they have no right to terrorize people at their place of worship. They’re lucky someone didn’t get hurt (like themselves) Especially in Nevada a gun friendly state.

  6. Wow – the truth coming from a very unlikely source. Plain, Mary had original sin just like the rest of us or she would not have needed forgiveness. Catholicism is a cult – it has wrapped a ton of paganism with half truths. It worships a wafer and a bleeding, suffering Jesus instead of the risen savior/king that has restored mankind spiritually to be blameless before God. THE true “church” has NOTHING in common with RC. Come OUT of her ye my (true) people!

  7. they went into a CATHOLIC church and said that pope is a satan, and stop worshipping idols and stop worshipping statues of mary.

    They said that idols won’t save them from hell and that they need Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    The only thing they did that you could complain about is disrupting the service.

    These guys are saying for people to get Jesus and stop worshipping idols. They are NOT muslims and I admire their zeal.

    But nowdays … I dare say they barge into MY church and disrupt the service they will get dragged out very roughly.

    But, I also DARE SAY they won’t need to disrupt my church because we don’t worship idols nor statues of Mary nor the pope.

  8. Ya know we attend Catholic Church. The wife’s Catholic. I’m non denomanational ass hole. Non the less I’ve got some friends that attend at the same time we do and any two of us could wipe the floor with these ass holes. But I’m willing to bet money the Catholic Church would press charges. Against us.

  9. Michael Yousef is one of my favorite ex-muslims. He doesn’t have to pull this kind of shit to get a point across. He uses the Truth, not force.

    I have a hard time listening to anybody who yells in a church. These ex-muslims would be immediately escorted out of my church if they interrupted the services or bothered anybody. And if they offered any resistance, they would be escorted out on a stretcher.

    But there is a good chance they would never even get through the door of the small church I go to (occasionally) because we do profile.

  10. i enjoy Youssef also, but your muslim comment made me look up his website. He wasnt a muslim. The website says … An abortion procedure was scheduled. But God intervened, and sent the family pastor to reassure them the night before the procedure was to take place that God was involved in this pregnancy, not to be afraid, and that this child would be “born to serve the Lord.” Michael’s parents accepted the pastor’s message as a message from God and obeyed. His mother gave birth, and lived to see him surrender his life to the Lord in 1964 at age sixteen.

  11. Been attending Catholic church all my life, never saw ANYONE EVER “worship an idol”.or the pope. But we do believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was the Catholic Church, established by Jesus Christ himself, who defended the concept of the Trinity from many heretics through the centuries. Oh, and the next time you are reading the bible, thank a Catholic monk who copied them over and over for a dozen centuries.

  12. Its wonderful that they turned from isylum, and confessed Christ. Now they need to find manners. That was just wrong, but worse, those Catholics let it continue. They could have escorted them out and i doubt those boys would have resisted.

  13. Bob, thank you for expressing your opinion and use your screen name. I respect that.

    You probably don’t realize that you don’t know RC doctrine but are expressing what you’ve been taught, and that is what some mistakenly believe is RC doctrine.

    Do you have a photo of one of your loved ones who has passed to the next life in your home? Do you worship that photo or love the person? Or, do you keep that photo around to remind you of that person? I don’t call it worship or idolatry. I call it love of that person and a desire to keep that person in my memory. I believe you do also.

    God does not prohibit making images altogether. In Exodus 25:18-19 God commands Moses to make statues of cherubim. Artists in the early Catholic church, because most people didn’t know how to read, and because the bible was rare (it had to be hand scribed by the Catholic monks), painted pictures to teach the scriptures. Church windows, sculpture and other artistry was used to teach the gospels because people just plain couldn’t read. Do you really think God didn’t want the early church to know Him just because they couldn’t read?

    Do you ever ask your friends or fellow churchmen to pray for you or for someone else. Do you think that those same people who when they enter the next life can no longer pray for you because they are living in Our Lord in heaven? That’s not logical and denies the Communion of Saints which is accepted by most mainstream religions. We believe the prayers of the saints are powerful because the saints ARE with God. Asking them to pray is a far cry from worship. Honoring that they are with God isn’t worshiping them. Do you know anyone who takes flowers to a grave site? Or how about Wreaths Across America? Is that worshiping the dead military?

    Do you really think RCs “worship” the pope? Wrong, wrong, wrong. I can’t even respond to that because it’s so far off the wall. If your pastor is telling you this, question him.

    Catholics worship God alone. We HONOR Mary. God gave her the gift of making her HIS Mother. Luke 1-42, 48 calls Mary “blessed” and promises that all generations will do likewise. All prayer has God as its object. We ask Mary to intercede and present our petitions to God. We take our cue from the Marriage Feast at Cana. Jesus wasn’t ready to reveal himself and go public, but His Mother interceded for the marriage couple and Jesus responded.

  14. EX muslims??? HAHAHA Bitch, please.
    Old habits die hard, huh?

    The only reason you go stomping around someone’s church getting loud and talking shit is because you can’t back up, discuss, or convey your own beliefs to convince someone to come over to your side, so you start demanding and accusing instead. That’s some shit the jihadis do, minus the physical violence.

    Don’t you go applauding these assholes, because I bet they’ll be traveling the countryside pulling that shit at YOUR church, too. However, I bet their tour dates won’t include mosques.

    JSYK: I was not, am not, don’t plan on being Catholic. But I did some time in Catholic school. lol.
    While attending for 4.5 years, I saw that Mary and the saints were honored, not worshipped.

  15. charliewalksonwater , it looks like you are right about that. I will have to do some more research when I have the time.

    I know I heard him talk about it, and that was what drew my attention to him. Could be he may have mentioned just dabbling in islam when he was young, maybe I misunderstood him. I’ll have to find out now.

    Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve been telling people he was a former muslim for about 5 years now. lol. You’re the first person to point this out to me.

  16. I did forget to mention: The Mother of God ALWAYS points us to her Son, and we know that God is not jealous of His Mother, otherwise Jesus wouldn’t have said, from the cross, Woman, behold your son, and to his disciple, behold your mother. Jesus let it be known that Mary is our spiritual mother.

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