Ex-Nashville police officer makes explosive claim about psychiatric care of Covenant school killer – IOTW Report

Ex-Nashville police officer makes explosive claim about psychiatric care of Covenant school killer

JTN: A retired Nashville-area police officer alleges that a psychologist who treated shooting in the 2023 Covenant School massacre referred her to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center psychiatric department before the killings.

The claim was made by Tuesday by retired Metro Nashville Police Department Lt. Garet Davidson. more

8 Comments on Ex-Nashville police officer makes explosive claim about psychiatric care of Covenant school killer

  1. I’m guessing that this article appeared in the local Junior High School Gazette because it was obviously written by somebody with less-than-9th Grade compositional skills.

  2. But of course those who are in bed with the government would NEVER exploit a mentally ill person to further their disarmament agenda or kill innocent children…never.

  3. The primary purpose of current Western psychiatry/psychotherapy is to take people who are merely unhappy and make them suicidal or homicidal. The evil commie fucks get off on that shit.

  4. The Leftist agenda comes before everything. The mentally ill are just tools to the Left, and the medical profession is happy to help create them/make them worse.

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