Ex-NFL football player Edawn Coughman Charged With Hate Crime Hoax – IOTW Report

Ex-NFL football player Edawn Coughman Charged With Hate Crime Hoax


Coughman was arrested and taken to Gwinnett County Jail, charged with false report of a crime, insurance fraud and concealing a license plate.

Ex-NFL football player Edawn Coughman, 31 of Buford Georgia owns several pizza and ice-cream restaurants.  When police responded to a 911 call about a suspicious person and break-in they discovered Mr. Coughman had just staged a burglary and vandalism of his own business, including the spray painting of “Monkey”, “MAGA” and Swastikas on the walls. read more

15 Comments on Ex-NFL football player Edawn Coughman Charged With Hate Crime Hoax

  1. This sort of politically oriented “hate” crime hoax is becoming so common I doubt any real incidents ever happen.

    So common that the police should automatically investigate the “victim” first whenever one is reported.

  2. I’m sure that real incidents do happen, but nobody will bother to care after they’ve been outnumbered so many hoaxes.
    The left is destroying criminal justice just like everything else it has touched.

  3. So this black guy is given a chance in the NFL to make it big. You really can’t do much for these blacks because they lack the training of “do the right thing.” To be honest here, when I see a group of them coming my way, I’m like Obummer’s grandmother, I go the other way. Two of these creatures jumped an 89 year old woman in a casino restroom and robbed her. The woman died.

  4. The cops made one mistake. They should have sat on the evidence for a few days, so this story could have gotten huge national attention by the MSM. Then, just as it reached epic proportions…SURPRISE… It was all a hoax!! Watch Rachel Meadow and Fredo, and all the rest cry on TV again.

  5. I’d bet that when the facts roll out that this “crime” isn’t political or racial in nature but rather economic. His financials will likely to reveal these business’s losing money and this was an effort to drive more customers or a setup to a few fires down the road. The authorities better start getting tough with these hoaxes else at some point you’ll end up with a “South Central LA” riot.

  6. @scr_north — My thoughts too. He used “hate” hoaxing to put the final touches on his insurance fraud, due, no doubt, to bad finances. I’m glad he got caught at it. Small business has to make up the loss through their premiums.


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