Ex-NYT editor notices how ‘narcissistic’ the Times has become – IOTW Report

Ex-NYT editor notices how ‘narcissistic’ the Times has become

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The late New Yorker magazine movie critic, who supposedly didn’t understand how Richard Nixon could win an election because she didn’t know anyone who voted for him, or more precisely, who said (in the New York Times):  “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.” …now seems to have taken up residence at the New York Times, which ought to be red-faced at its failure to notice the rise of 28-year-old openly socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and her shock victory in a New York City primary, right the Times’ own back yard.

So was the verdict by one of the Times’ own former editors, Jill Abramson, who stated the obvious in a tweet:

Kind of pisses me off that @nytimes is still asking Who Is Ocasio-Cortez? when it should have covered her campaign. Missing her rise akin to not seeing Trump’s win coming in 2016.

— Jill Abramson (@JillAbramson) June 27, 2018

Well, yeah. You’d think that with their staff, one of them would deign to pay a visit to the bridge and tunnel crowd in Bronx and Queens (horrors!) and try to find out what the election there was all about. They didn’t. Even out here from San Diego, knowing how progressive those people in New York are, it wasn’t that big a shock to learn that a Bernie-ite, with a really cool campaign graphic designer, and a simple promise of jobs for all, would probably walk away with it. But to the Times, it was a ‘Who is…’ scramble.  more here

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