Ex-Ravens cheerleader pleads guilty to raping 15-year-old boy – IOTW Report

Ex-Ravens cheerleader pleads guilty to raping 15-year-old boy

NYP– GEORGETOWN, Del. — A former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader and the ex-wife of a prominent Maryland energy executive has pleaded guilty after being charged with having sex with a 15-year-old boy.

ravens cheerleader guilty

Molly Shattuck, 48, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of fourth-degree rape, a felony that can carry up to 15 years in jail. She made the plea in front of a Delaware judge just days before her trial was to begin. more

17 Comments on Ex-Ravens cheerleader pleads guilty to raping 15-year-old boy

  1. I’m not so convinced boys experience irreparable harm in these cases, and in my mind I think the punks that rat out these women, ruining their lives, are kind of scummy. Maybe I’m missing something.

  2. Teen males dream of nailing a woman like that. I don’t believe they would feel victimized later in life. Hell I know guys that bragged getting laid by an older woman when they were teens. The touchy feely libs are screwing this up for us guys too.

  3. @Ohio Dan

    I didn’t get laid until my twenties, mostly because I always made a play for the hottest chick in the bar. In the meantime, I utterly ignored all those slightly padded chicks who would smile at me when I made eye contact

    Then one night, after my usual strikeout with the prom queen routine, an older plus sized woman struck up a conversation with me, and since I wasn’t initially attracted to her, I didn’t engage in my usual hyper intent driven douchebaggery, I made a real impression on her* Next thing you know I’m getting real turned on by her flirtatious behavior … and you can guess the rest.

    The upshot to this horrific episode is that I learned to appreciate the meaning of the phrase, “More cushion for the pushin” which caused me to seek out the women who were already checking me out, which led to marriage and a couple of kids and to this post.

    Unfortunately, I would continue to be “haunted” for years by dreams where I would be in this woman’s home
    where I would relive the “nightmare” of my first sexual experience, an experience so traumatic that it caused me to seek women just like her for the rest of my life

    *(Which was then matched by the impression I made on her later that night — cue eyebrow raise and cigar tap)

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