Ex-State Department official: Kavanaugh allegations ’35 years too late’ – IOTW Report

Ex-State Department official: Kavanaugh allegations ’35 years too late’

7 Comments on Ex-State Department official: Kavanaugh allegations ’35 years too late’

  1. Speaking to my 35 year old daughter today I confessed that her father was a little less than gentlemanly with a few young ladies in my years prior to age 21.. I never forced any one against their will but several times made my intentions known where they were not received…

    I remain friends with these ladies to this day. Perhaps because I respected their “No”…

    Even so.. it was frequently hormones vs maturity..

    The latter won out..

    That normal teenage behavior could haunt me some now 40 years latter is absolutely ridiculous

  2. I am so tired of this crap and glad DJT is in the White House. Someone is finally fighting back against this liberal crackpot accusing Kavanaugh and the DOJ/FBI stonewalling declassification of documents which need the cleansing of sunlight.

    Be careful what you wish for liberals/progressives/communists – remember the boy who cried wolf. These women with spurious claims are putting real victims at risk of not being believed. How about setting the whole feminist movement, much less the recent #metoo, back about 30-40 years? Idjits. As Dianny says, they always push too hard and too far.

  3. I’ll bet anyone $100 that Dr. Ford will never ever ever put herself in a position where she has to make her accusation under oath. The entire thing is a smear job and delay tactic. And now that the 10p deadline for her to accept the invitation to testify has come and gone. And, on cue, Dr. Ford and her lawyer are requesting more time (which they’ll spend drinking mai tais no doubt), Grassley better show some fucking spine and stick by his goddamn guns. Because if they toss Kavanaugh under the bus over this crap, then the entire GOP can go fuck themselves.

    This entire thing is bullshit, and any moron you run into who says, “I believe her.” cut out of your life as soon as possible, because they are the real life version of the Borg. They’re dead eyed, hive mind motherfuckers. There is nothing going on upstairs with them, at all.


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