Example #6,875,433 of Progressive Idiocy – IOTW Report

Example #6,875,433 of Progressive Idiocy

The left never fails to be jackasses who are easily smacked around in the arena of ideas.

See inside post —>

10 Comments on Example #6,875,433 of Progressive Idiocy

  1. And the ugly bitch loses in her second bout–only one ONE MATCH as an individual. She isn’t worthy of carrying Michael Phelps jockstrap much less the Olympic flag.

  2. …Or Mexican swimming,
    African running,
    Canadian hockey,
    English Polo,
    or any other sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, Islamophobic, or bigoted stereotype that doesn’t furthur their agenda.

  3. There is no “gun culture” anywhere, until I can streak a petri dish of MIL-PRF-10924 with a dirty bore patch and have a colony of M14s sprouting within a week at room temperature. Maybe sooner if it’s like a jungle in there…

  4. I watched an interview she did yesterday.
    She complained about people saying that black women and muslims don’t normally fence.
    It was implied that the white devil was saying this.
    Of course, it is always the blacks that bitch about other blacks “acting white.” Whites don’t give a fuck.

    She also said she wants to empower other muslims.

  5. We’ll be hearing more about this moslem loser later when all the frustrations of looking like an incompetent idiot on world-wide television brings her to the boiling point of jihad terror attack mentality. That will be somebody’s head under her arm.

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