Exclusive! SadHil Has Been Spotted Lurking Outside of White House! – IOTW Report

Exclusive! SadHil Has Been Spotted Lurking Outside of White House!


Thank you, illustr8r, for your quick and thorough investigative work!
We look forward to other ‘sightings’ in the future.

58 Comments on Exclusive! SadHil Has Been Spotted Lurking Outside of White House!

  1. Where’s the bald black guy? He must have gotten fired last Wednesday. Or Arkancided, I dunno.

    We still have no clue who the hell that guy is–or was–do we? Great job, MSM.

  2. hanoverfist “Oh that needs to go on tour.
    Were will SadHil show up next?”

    MJA “Yes, where will she show up next? … Any thoughts?’

    I saw her looking at beyonce and springstein concert schedules while mumbling something about a circus and a parade.

  3. That’s great, illustr8r.
    I always enjoyed “Sad O”.
    But, Hillary would be more believable holding an empty highball glass, with the contents spilled on the ground.
    Oh, and she needs to gain about 80 lbs.

  4. You guys are pure fucking mean. That old cunt deserves some respect. She lied through Watergate, (got fired) lied through Filegate, Lied through Travelgate, (had people fired) Lied though Benghazigate.(had people killed) lied through The Clinton Whatever,
    where she fucked Haiti in the ass. But she managed to almost be President of the United States Of America.
    For fuck sake, give the cunt a break.

  5. I predict one of her rage attacks will cause a massive stroke.
    Post stroke she loses her ability to communicate and her ability to move around is limited but she understands everything going on around her. She lives in this state for decades.

    This is my wish for this rabid jackal.

  6. next stop ….
    Trump Towers, NYC
    Trump Hotel, Washington, DC
    Mar-a-Lago, Florida
    that Clinton jet being dismantled
    the steps of the FBI building, yelling “Come out you bastard!”
    … the edge of a cliff … with Vince Foster’s gun … sitting on the carcass of Bill … with a hammer & a broken Blackberry on the ground …

  7. Hillary has ambition. She will not give up. I know a woman like that. That’s why there are no drapes in my living room. Put them up yourself smartass. I have a tee time. I’ll be home about seven. How about some ribs and chicken tonight?
    OK. OK. Ok I can now see fine through my right eye, and my hand is
    well enough to make a sandwich. I’m sure Hillary would have killed me dead.
    We just ordered new drapes but the guys will install them, my hand is still fucked up.

  8. That was nice of illustr8r to add me as a credit, but I’m not worthy.
    All I did was email her and say, “is it time for Sad Hillary?”
    She had it done in ten minutes.
    Sad O was a classic, one of iOTW’s mainstay memes. And that was all illustr8r.

  9. @ sistyugler1 “How about a peeping Hillary. The window in the oval office, adding Trump in the chair might be a nice touch.”

    How about a play on The DJTrump Pepe? Peepe? Give her a green tinge to the skin color?

  10. factslady “Sad Hillary…like Elf on a Shelf only not.”

    Elf on the shelf? The pile of misfit/refjected toys at t he north pole?

    I’m giggling again. Not good. I’m a rooooooster, not a hen.

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