Execrable John McCain Simply Can’t Be Wrong – IOTW Report

Execrable John McCain Simply Can’t Be Wrong

John McCain, even facing probable death, continues to be a jerk. You’d think he’d mellow, get humble and start to shape a legacy that might keep some people from the impulse to piss on his grave.


He’s a jerk to the end.

Wash Exam

John McCain throws Lindsey Graham under the bus over why he ‘f–ked it up’ during Comey hearing.

But as McCain, R-Ariz., would tell it now, he had a list of questions he was ready to ask Comey as the ex-FBI chief testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but then Graham, R-S.C., disrupted that train of thought when he asked an aide to deliver a message to McCain with a question he wanted McCain to ask Comey.

“I had these questions laid out that I had discussed and, honest to God, two minutes before it was my turn, [the aide] hands me this app from Lindsey,” McCain told Esquire.

That “app” was actually an email on a phone screen which, and without knowing the password to punch in McCain said the question faded and he couldn’t make it reappear.

That’s when chairman Richard Burr called on McCain to start his line of questioning, and McCain decided to stick to his friend’s request as best as he could recall.

“I can’t tell you how important our relationship is, and I knew that this must be important,” he told Esquire. “So I started out trying to remember what was on the app, and, anyway, to make a long story short, I f*cked it up.”


Uh Huh.

And you didn’t screw up in the military either. It was everyone else’s fault.



25 Comments on Execrable John McCain Simply Can’t Be Wrong

  1. Yeah John you fu*ked more that just that.
    You fu*ked up in the Academy.
    You fu*ked up as a pilot.
    You Fu*ked up as a POW.
    You fu*ked up as a Senator
    You’re just a hot shot fu*kup!
    Now Fu*k off.

  2. Oh hayell naaah! Lindsey, girl, you gon take that crap from him? I’ll hold him down, you swing for the fences!

    He knows he’s done, so he’s gonna be a POS and worse from now on. And he doesn’t think anyone’s going to say anything because he’s sick. FTS! Get in his house and wreck it, Lindsey. Show some balls. I mean fight back, not actually show him your balls. Ugh. Never mind.

  3. McCain has led a pampered and protected life of nepotism by virtue of his Admiral Grandfather and Admiral Father. Yet, he still tarnished the silver spoon he was born with and his family name.

    One must have integrity and earned respect to possess humility.
    Something McCain has never had.

  4. So, he had, in his possession, a list, an entire list, of really useful, thought provoking, truth revealing questions. All ready to go. Just waiting for the bell.

    And when the bell tolled, he just threw them all away, because one of Lindsey Graham’s boot licks showed him what might have been a question that Lindsey Graham didn’t bother asking. Because? Well, who knows? John McCain isn’t even sure it, actually, was a question. Let alone a question about the FBI, Hillary Clinton, or what the Sandwich of the Day is at Subway. Or a Pepe meme.

    But because “I can’t tell you how important our relationship is,” he threw that ready to cause mass epiphanies list of questions away, and just rambled. To prove to Lindsey how important “we” are. To him.

    Why, he doesn’t sound demented, at all.

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