Exiting Obama DOJ Tried to Kill IRS Targeting Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Exiting Obama DOJ Tried to Kill IRS Targeting Lawsuit


On its way out the door, the Obama Justice Department made one last attempt to bury a lawsuit over allegations that the IRS targeted conservative nonprofit groups for improper scrutiny.

True the Vote, founded in 2009 to advocate for measure to ensure the integrity of elections, sued in 2013 after the tax agency had held up its nonprofit tax-exempt status for 3.5 years. The IRS argues that the lawsuit should be thrown out now that True the Vote has been recognized as a 501(c)3 organization.

But True the Vote maintains that the government has not detailed the individual employees responsible for holding up the application and has not put into place adequate safeguards to prevent improper handling of nonprofit applications in the future.

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9 Comments on Exiting Obama DOJ Tried to Kill IRS Targeting Lawsuit

  1. Can they at least fire Koskinen? Don’t need a freaking judge’s decision to do that, do they? I realize the pussy hats in Congress will never impeach him, but his continued employment is going to become a liability for Trump.

    I don’t care if Trump ever releases his tax returns, but if they’re causing him some hesitation in getting rid of Koskinen, we have a problem.

  2. @Third Twin — Our house, our rules. No president is under any obligation whatsoever to release their tax returns. But if there was ever a need to see tax returns, I think we should start with the D Senators and work our way out from there. I’d like to know, too, if Reid has returned the artwork from the national gallery (or whichever fed archive he got it for his office in NV). My hope is that Koskinen will be found guilty of lying under oath to congress.

  3. @AbigailAdams January 24, 2017 at 11:04 am

    “My hope is that Koskinen will be found guilty of lying under oath to congress.”

    So they can invite him back to officially thank him for his service?

    (That’s not the least tinge sarcastic. Sad.)

  4. “The case will carry over from the Obama Justice Department to Trump’s, but administrations rarely reverse course in cases inherited from their predecessors. And even if the new administration wanted to change positions, the ball now is in the judge’s court.”

    Unless it is an open-and-shut case by the Bush justice dept. against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation. That case was dropped within minutes of Obozo taking office.

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