Experimental Treatment Uses Ultrasound To Make Cancer Drugs More Effective – IOTW Report

Experimental Treatment Uses Ultrasound To Make Cancer Drugs More Effective


Doctors are hoping a new innovative technology will help make chemotherapy more effective and reduce the side-effects suffered.

The technology uses clusters of bubbles and liquid droplets to ensure the drugs used in treatment target tumours more successfully.

The drugs are injected near the site of the tumour and ultrasound is used to create high-frequency waves which “activate” the bubbles and droplets in a process called acoustic cluster therapy.

These waves cause them to grow larger within the tumour, stretching its walls.

This gives the chemotherapy drugs a bigger target to aim for. More

6 Comments on Experimental Treatment Uses Ultrasound To Make Cancer Drugs More Effective

  1. I’m in stage 4 now and have been doing chemo since 2017. I read these stories with a lot of skepticism. This one is like a lot of other: ‘might’ ‘maybe’ ‘eventually’ are scattered about. This may lead to something effective or it may be a dead end [no pun intended]. That’s not a knock against those conducting the testing, but the authors need to take pains not to give false hope.

    Back in the 1980s when the first breakthroughs in breast cancer treatment arrived they ran into a problem. The chemo was reducing bone marrow mass in the patients. The treatment they came up with was to extract bone marrow from the women before the treatment began, cryogenically freeze it, and place it back after treatment began. Very logical and scientific, but it didn’t work.

    IMHO the key to future treatment will be genetics-based. After all cancer cells are a genetically mutated version of our own cells.
    I had a genome test and unfortunately there are no matching treatments or trials available now. Who knows what the future holds.

    Sorry for the long post.

  2. Truth Serum, It must be hard to hear about new breakthroughs when what they mean is a small tiny promising anomaly.
    I send you strength to fight: Pow! right through the screen.
    I can see you have the most important ingredient in your make-up already. You are a strong personality, that is reflective of your hardiness in general.
    I wish you healing and the resolve to win your battles.
    God Bless

  3. Truth Serum, I just came across this a few days ago. I’m sure you’ve heard of a few kinds of cures…B17, Lugol’s iodine, cannabis oil, etc. But this one was interesting:


    I know people are different and some take to medicines/cures better than others, but when I was in pre-vet I worked at a wildlife rehab clinic and all incoming pelicans would be administered a dose of Panacur (Fenbendazole). I noticed within a few hours, it seemed to give them lot of pep and they were more alert than when they arrived into the clinic (usually emaciated and/or dehydrated from being tangled in fishing line). It was one of a few meds that seemed to breathe new life into the animals.

    I’m sorry to hear about your situation and just thought I would mention this. If you find this offensive in any way, I apologize.


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