Expert Says Biden Amped Up on Something During SOTU Address – IOTW Report

Expert Says Biden Amped Up on Something During SOTU Address

PJ Media

While Democrats were rushing to claim that his performance proved that he was physically and mentally capable of handling the presidency, Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, Calif., noted that Biden’s speed and volume during the speech could have been a sign that he was on Adderall or another amphetamine.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” Lieberman told the paper. More

12 Comments on Expert Says Biden Amped Up on Something During SOTU Address

  1. I hate these televised medical examinations, how many times did “medical experts”
    appear on CNN and diagnose Trump as schizophrenic, megalomaniacal, clinically delusional, bipolar, or have some neurodevelopmental disorder like ADHD.

    Of course it’s possible they drugged him up, that fool can exhibit a gamut of emotions, mental/physical affectations and unequal volume levels in a 5 minute sitting.

  2. “EXPERTS” generally are shit heads!

    2 examples from he West

    1. In 1920 “experts” ()Ivy League) said Signal Hill spud be “pumped dry” by 1930. In 1952 we pumped 700% as much oil there as we did in 1920. That grandad died 40 years ago; so I know we are pumping millions of barrels in 2024 – but how much more than 1920 I know not. But we are still pumping. Ivy League experts were dead wrong!

    2. “Experts” said in 1952 Disneyland would be a financial disaster. Walt told us – been a Walt fan over 75 years – hundred of times after 1955 “Disneyland makes more $ every month than the rest of DIS makes in a good year!”! Experts again DEaD WRONG.

    Were I a gambler Id bet against “the experts” every time!

  3. I suspect a forensic psychiatrist based in “Beverly Hills, Calif.” knows the effects of hopped up users on amphetamines, cocaine or other widely available stimulant narcotic.

    Was Hunter at the Whitehouse?
    Hunter is a stimulant expert and he doesn’t have a degree.
    Was he helping the Big Guy?


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