Expert Testifies Citizenship Census Question Will Cause “Immigrant” and “Latino” Undercounting – IOTW Report

Expert Testifies Citizenship Census Question Will Cause “Immigrant” and “Latino” Undercounting

Court House News

The push to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census will shrink an already undercounted group of immigrants in the decennial survey and weaken the political power of areas with a high concentration of non-citizens, [bold added] a survey expert testified in federal court Monday.

“Current research, including by the Census Bureau, shows immigrants and Latinos hold considerable fears about participating,” Colm O’Muircheartaigh, a University of Chicago professor specializing in statistical research and analysis, explained in court Monday. More


15 Comments on Expert Testifies Citizenship Census Question Will Cause “Immigrant” and “Latino” Undercounting

  1. The objective should be to weaken the political power of communities with a high concentration of non-citizens. The fact that they are gaining strength as a result of providing a sanctuary for illegals is a crime in itself. TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  2. Marsha Edney noted that the undercount of Hispanics has occurred in prior surveys without a citizenship question. She also added that studies showing a decline in response rates among Latinos do not explain why the response rates decreased.

    Because they aren’t citizens, don’t speak the language, and are in hiding?

    This whole thing is such bullshit. Count the citizens only.
    What’s next, terrorists in the country illegally are undercounted? I shouldn’t give them any ideas, I suppose.

  3. “The push to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census will shrink an already undercounted group of immigrants in the decennial survey and weaken the political power of areas with a high concentration of non-citizens”

    I want to thank my parents.
    How in the hell is this being acceptably pedaled to the public as logical, or even legal?
    Is it being subtly suggested here, that having a large number of illegal aliens in a political district somehow _strengthens_ that district? Receipt of taxpayer funding for public programs should be based upon legal residents, and distributed only to legal residents. Anything otherwise is fraud and theft.
    math has become ‘common core’ and taxation is now ‘common gore’

  4. The under counting is a good thing….funding is based on numbers so the states that welcome all the illegals can go directly to their residents to get additional money they need to support them not federal dollars squeezed from the rest of us.

  5. Sounds legit. Yeah, let’s count EVERYBODY so that California and the other states with high illegal immigrant populations can get more Federal money and more Congressional Reps so that they’ll have even more Commie/Prog power.

    You can gussy up the hand basket anyway you want but all we’re still going to Hell in it if the Dems keep getting their way.

  6. What would we do without experts?

    But, but, but…they are paying Social Security taxes they will never get credit for under the SSNs that they stole from the dead!


  7. They aren’t even trying to be subtle about counting illegal immigrants as citizens. If California gets away with this we’ll have something close to the 3/5th slave vote rule again in this nation. Only the 3/5th will be actual citizens who live and vote in districts redrawn because they counted all the illegals in them the same as if they were citizens.


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