Experts Weigh In On FBI Search Of Biden Home: He Consented Because ‘There Was Probable Cause Of Crimes’ – IOTW Report

Experts Weigh In On FBI Search Of Biden Home: He Consented Because ‘There Was Probable Cause Of Crimes’


Political figures and experts weighed in on the FBI’s search of President Joe Biden’s home on Friday, saying that Biden consented to the search because the next step would’ve involved federal investigators getting a search warrant.

The White House claimed that the search was not the subject of a warrant or court-authorized process, and was instead voluntary.

Assistant US Attorney Joseph Fitzpatrick said that the “FBI executed a planned, consensual search of the President’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware.”

“DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President,” Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal lawyer, said in a statement. “DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.”

Bauer said that the FBI asked the White House not to comment on the search until it was over. Bauer claimed that the FBI “had full access to the President’s home, including personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, and reminders going back decades.”

Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy said that Biden really did not have a choice over whether to allow the FBI to search his home.

“Biden didn’t consent to FBI search b/c he’s Mr Cooperation. He consented b/c there was probable cause of crimes,” McCarthy said. “If he didn’t agree, next step would’ve been special counsel getting a search warrant (ie, judicial finding of probable cause). Wanted to avoid that.”


13 Comments on Experts Weigh In On FBI Search Of Biden Home: He Consented Because ‘There Was Probable Cause Of Crimes’

  1. I recall an incident years ago when he walked out of a meeting with a binder that had a picture secret code name on it. He blew the project by letting the press get a photo of the code name on the binder.

  2. Didn’t get the Roger Stone treatment, huh?
    Or the Mar-a-Lago treatment either?

    Guns drawn, press informed, everybody looking all tough and shit in their SS uniforms?

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden’s been a criminal his entire life – and just now the FBI figures it out?

    I smell BULLSHIT.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tony R
    ” . . . strolls in AFTER . . .”

    . . . .and STILL finds MORE CLASSIFIED DOCS**

    **even AFTER what??? at least 3 completes reported so far, and they are still finding MORE and MORE

  4. Pressure mounts on Creepy Joe to resign. Joe goes full blown dementia. Biden Crime Family makes a 1 billion $ deal with Heals Up Harris. Joe throws in the towel,Harris pardons Joe, appoints Hunter as VP. Harris resigns,President Hunter appoints Big Mike Obama VP

  5. I do think it’s an inside job with so much planted material even the leftards want him gone.

    It’s like an evil spouse that sets up the other to look bad so they can file without looking like the bad guy when they really are.

  6. aleon: This has nothing to do with draining the swamp. This has everything to do with Ol’ Joe outliving his usefulness to the swamp.

    They either do this or have his next “booster” be a real one instead of saline.

  7. Biden’s attorneys are helping the FBI to locate the documents.

    … that’s because the entire family is telling the (paid) lawyers where they are…

    For crying out loud, the DOJ is giving the Biden crime family a free pass…


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