Explaining the Left’s Obsession with Masks – IOTW Report

Explaining the Left’s Obsession with Masks

American Greatness

The people who boast that they—unlike the Right—only “follow the science” are lying to themselves, to us, or to both. Leftists have no interest in “the science” when it conflicts with any position they hold. Science said schools should be kept open, that closing them would do great damage to many young people. Yet, with a few exceptions such as Sweden, the Left clamored for, and where in power, closed schools. Science tells us that COVID-19 vaccines are not helpful—and even potentially injurious—to young people (Denmark strongly discourages any healthy person under 50 from getting a COVID-19 vaccine). Yet until this year, nearly every American university forced students to get vaccinated, and many still do.

So why, even despite the science, does the Left insist on wearing—and forcing others to wear—masks? More

23 Comments on Explaining the Left’s Obsession with Masks

  1. Mask conceal, dehumanize, cloud communication of both speech and expression, sognal fealty and virtue, cause further division between people, are actively harmful while being presented as healthy, and waste enormous amounts of money and resources for zero real return.

    All things Communist like.

  2. The wearing of masks allowed them a visual representation of what percentage of the population was stupid.
    The wearing of masks likely caused as much illness as the vaccine.
    Good for business, if your a hospital raking in cash.

  3. Everybody knows, from the plumber to the doctor, that NO MASK you can breathe through will stop a virus. PERIOD.

    All bullshit; all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And we knew this 100 years ago. Spanish flu had the same masker-vs.-antimasker rhetoric – and lots and lots of studies showing that they didn’t work, and that the greatest spread was in close quarters. And that sunlight and fresh air were good for you. So Fauci made everyone stay inside – in close quarters. It’s too much for idiocy, I have to say it is intentional.

  5. TIM – FJB

    100% Correct Sir!

    PS. High MERV AIR FILTERS FUCK UP YOUR AIR FLOW IN HVAC SYSTEMS THAT WERE NOT ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR THEM. They Reduce overall air flow which overheats Heating systems & causes Liquid Slugging in Air Conditioners. Fucks the heatexchangers & Compressors.

    MERV 8 is PERFECT for MOST applications

    CHEERS, I’m just trying to save you money.

  6. It’s good to see the ‘OCD’ is working overtime on this. It’s also shows the smarts someone has in wanting to,dare I say take a jab at this. WTFC! Wear a mask,don’t wear a mask. Who cares, but some smart as idiot with the wise as comment. Jeeze Get a life.

  7. When I see people wearing mask outside medical facilities (which are still required by the government) I at first am annoyed or angered. If they are older people, which is typically the situation in this area, I realize they are afraid and have had their fears stoked by the media to unrealistic levels.

    I have a hard time holding s grudge against people for fearing for their lives. It’s when they vote based on fear or envy that they really get on my nerves.

  8. Their only utility is to identify compliant serfs. What really caught me off guard is the number of individuals who went along with it. I fully expected ~30% of the male population and ~75% of the female population to be on board with advertising their servile status, but when the total numbers were more like 90% and 95% advertising they self identify as not worthy of dignity and not standing up for their honor by including those going along because it’s the current thing that was troubling.

  9. “let’s see now; how could we get an accurate picture of how many people we can count on to rat out their family and friends to the secret police when we want them to?”

  10. Gnosis, gnostics. Hidden knowledge. What is behind the mask. That there is a mask. All characteristics of leftist ideology. The destruction they seek is removing a mask, that mask is our entire civilization which theoretically hides a greater human reality. The obsession with masking is neurosis and projection in pursuit of the destruction of all that is.

  11. The picture of that woman wearing a cloth and clear plastic mask has been around for a couple of years. She is a total chicken gutted silly twit terrified of covid. Her fear will kill her before covid does.

  12. “Cowards die many times before their deaths;
    The valiant never taste of death but once.
    Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
    It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
    Seeing that death, a necessary end,
    Will come when it will come.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act II, scene 2.


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