Explaining What’s Happening At The Oroville Dam – IOTW Report

Explaining What’s Happening At The Oroville Dam

Due to heavy winter rains and snow melts the Oroville Dam, 80 miles north of Sacramento, had to open emergency spillways (to the left of the damaged main spillway) for the first time in the dam’s history.  The action became necessary when the concrete spillway normally used to release excess water developed a huge hole in its concrete surface.  The gap and surrounding hillside eroded further as water continued to cascade down the spillway all day yesterday.

Evacuations orders were issued for 180,000 residents below the dam yesterday as engineers became concern that California’s second largest water reservoir and largest earthen dam in the United States might suffer some type of catastrophic failure along the damaged spillway that could release “a 30-foot wall of water coming out of the lake.”

As of this morning officials were reporting that water levels were returning to more manageable levels and with dry weather in the forecast the next few days, they would attempt temporary repairs to the damaged spillway.


They’re not out of trouble yet though Here

38 Comments on Explaining What’s Happening At The Oroville Dam

  1. President Trump, you’d better be all over this right now. That thing is going to blow wide open because of Dem incompetence and make Katrina look like a backed up toilet. And you’re going to get the blame. And the impeachment.

    It may not seem like it, but this is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING RIGHT NOW for your future, President Trump.

  2. “The Oroville dam failure was entirely avoidable. California passed a $7.5 Billion water bond in 2014 but Jerry Brown didn’t spend $1 on new water storage or Oroville. Now trillions of gallons of water are being lost and people are evacuating their homes. What does it take for the California Democrats to actually fix anything?”

    From State Assemblyman Travis Allens FB page. One of the few Republicans in Southern Cali.

  3. FEMA head Fugate is an Obama appointee since 2009, at the helm through Deepwater Horizon and the recent catastrophic Louisiana flooding which Hillary avoided. He was Gov Jeb’s head of Florida EMA. He is going to let you down big time President Trump, unless you watch him like a hawk.

  4. CA was in drought that the libs thought would never reverse. It never occurred to the leaders in one of the highest taxing states in the nation that they might have wanted to use the drought as an opportunity to inspect and maintain their infrastructure, particularly infrastructure that was already flagged as having issues. The state that wants to secede can’t even handle a crisis they created without begging Trump/Feds for help. Liberalism on full display. I’m sure none of them will consider they should forget the high speed train no one cares about and focus on the utilities/infrastructure people/businesses actually need to survive and thrive.

  5. There were motions filed in 2005 with FERC to have the emergency spillway set in concrete. FERC and CA state officials pooh-poohed the motions, saying the regular spillway was enough. No one wanted to spend the money on safety. Illegals, though, are OK.

  6. This is happening in RED Counties in No-Cal. These dams are to supply the sh!tstains in El Lay and in So_cal with drinking water, golf course water, pool water and washin’ the car water.

    It takes a real idiot to design a dam and not think about overflow erosion and “toe” erosion around the base. Obviously a state engineer who doesn’t live down stream.

  7. Simple explanation. The Jerry Brown boondoggle train is more important than infrastructure!

    Maybe the evacuees can hitch a ride on the bullet train. But wait, even if the first stage was ready ride, the evacuees would have to go to NOWHERE, to catch it to NOWHERE!

  8. What I would do is throw large sponges into the water then when they have filled with water I would fly them out of the area and bring back a dry sponge.
    About 10 trips should do it.

  9. From the article, describes an Hispanic lady packing:

    She also grabbed a couple items from her sprawling makeup collection.
    “Some of that stuff is limited edition,” she explained.

  10. Let all the movie “stars” who advocate taxpayer money be wasted on welfare for illegal invaders pay for it. Screw making tax payers in the rest of the country pay for it, after they’ve wasted their money on BS.

  11. Two thoughts: 1) They were convinced they were in permanent drought, due to scary, man-caused Climate Change, therefore they did not need spillways. 2) They want the dam to tear itself apart, because dams are evil. If the spillway does fail, Brown will probably not repair it and use it as a pretext to empty the lake and decommission the dam.

  12. Eternal cracker p, that was stunning video. Thanks for that link. How sobering. Didn’t realize it was so massive or dangerous. A real catastrophy. Obviously, prayers needed for all there.

  13. Jethro, I was a Bassoholic for a long time. Still fish but not to that point. I would have fished that tournament back then. Can you imagine that bite? Out of control ice water flowing fast. Only one answer. Cranking the points.

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