Explaining Why SJWs Are Loud, Obnoxious, Childish and Irritating – IOTW Report

Explaining Why SJWs Are Loud, Obnoxious, Childish and Irritating

How good is Paul Joseph Watson? So good that I have to end up linking InfoWars.

ht/ Squid

21 Comments on Explaining Why SJWs Are Loud, Obnoxious, Childish and Irritating


    “This is What a Feminist Looks Like.” So of course they put the fat, ugly one front and center.

    “Fuck you, white male.” Said by none other than……a white male. (And a bonus GFY fashion tip for guys, get rid of the long hair as soon as you start balding……you look RIDICULOUS.)

    “The Unfuckables.” LOLLOLLOL!

  2. These beings are simply stupid whining molesters of large marine animals.
    …wait for it…
    slow shrill jew-fish worriers

    Jew-fish are very large groupers, which is somehow appropriate.

  3. This makes total sense. I understand that there are low income parents that need daycare. But there are also higher income parents that don’t want to give up (sacrifice) the extra income.

    Most of the SJW snowflakes seem to come from the higher income families based upon the universities they attend.

    We sacrificed the extra income (and at some times had only $40 to our names) in order to have a parent at home at all times.

    The week after Columbine, there was a bomb scare at my kids’ high school. By 9:15 in the morning, I had 14 teenagers at my house because I was the only parent not working, playing tennis, etc.

    Kids need attention, love, structure. Daycare does not provide any of those.

  4. It’s all about the language. Who can argue with someone who is a warrior for justice? It all depends on what ‘justice’ is, doesn’t it?

    Justice, or the word “justice” is one of the words we need to take back from the Marxists.

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