explanation needed – IOTW Report

explanation needed

39 Comments on explanation needed

  1. Why try to explain insanity? Everything spoken or done by a lying, cheating leftist is for evil purposes. Trying the explain will only draw you into the tar pit of communism.

    ‘Forget about it!’

  2. 1950’s movie promo – The Gap Toothed Monster That Ate Atlanta ……. and She’s Coming For Your City!

    That photo really is a Godzilla like image of her LOL, yet the MSM wants us to believe she is the savior of the world when all she wants to do is eat it.

  3. Bill Clinton talking to Greezy Joe Biden:
    “So Greezy Joe, tell me. Did you fuck Tank Abrams?”

    Greezy Joe: “Yeah Rapist Bill, I did. I-I-I-I did fuck her. All I had to do was, was, was find her pussy.”

    Rapist Bill: “did you roll her in flour? Look for the wet spot?”

    Greezy Joe: “C’mon man! That’s so 90’s. The deal is, you flip thru the folds until you find shit and you go back one!”

  4. Stacey Abrams is so fat, insert your favorite lardass joke here. She could’ve played Lardass in Stand By Me or Mrs. Creosote in Monty Python’s movie The Meaning Of life or one of the chubby kids in The Sandlot on the Tilt-A-Whirl.

  5. Speaking of Loads

    Ben “the Scholar’ Rhodes is streaming piles and piles of sh#t on msNBC last words with telescam Larry.

    The Good Thing about this Time . . . Rhodes is permanently branded as a scamming grifting HAHVAHD Doofus Dumbass ala Micheal Avenatti. At least until he quits shaving his little pencil neck head.

  6. …i’m on my way to the surgical center, so I don’t have time to explain my handle/avatar, but those of you who know the story know I can tell you I’ve first-hand seen absolute PROOF that even MUCH smaller people wearing capes can NOT fly, no matter how horny they are…

  7. …from “Fiddler on the Roof”…

    “Chava, I found him.
    Won’t you be a lucky bride!
    He’s handsome, he’s tall,
    That is from side to side.
    But he’s a nice man, a good catch, right?

    …adapt as needed…I would, but meds are kicking in…

  8. If Moose Obola can be the “most glamorous First Lady since Jackie Kennedy” then the Tank can be “glamorous,” too, and President Trump obese.

    Who ya gonna believe? The Media or your own lying eyes?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. It’s the shoes. She gets to wear heels and recalculate her body mass index with the new math and –voila!– she is svelte.
    Besides, you’re not allowed to make fun of the girl.


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