Exploding Cigar II: Florida’s Democrats panic after Bernie Sanders blows a kiss to Castro – IOTW Report

Exploding Cigar II: Florida’s Democrats panic after Bernie Sanders blows a kiss to Castro

American Thinker: Bernie Sanders has always had a soft spot for Fidel Castro and the communist dictatorship the latter created. But instead of keeping it to himself and off the air, he went all out to praise Cuba’s brutal regime for its phony “literacy” and “free” health care on 60 Minutes. Now Florida’s Democrats are panicking.

According to the Miami Herald:

During that interview, a clip of which aired on CBS Sunday night, Sanders counted healthcare and education among the reasons that the Cuban people didn’t rise up and overthrow Castro after his 1959 revolution.“You know, when Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program,” Sanders told Cooper. “Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?”

“There are a lot of dissidents imprisoned in Cuba,” Cooper said to Sanders.

That’s a big — real big — exploding cigar.

The only reason people didn’t overthrow Castro was their great love of all his “free” health care? No, he tortured, killed and imprisoned them first. Crap like that is likely to cost the Democrats Florida.

According to the Herald, here’s what went down:

Video clips of Sanders’ remarks on 60 Minutes were quickly shared on social media. Some Miami-based Democrats said Sanders’ response is politically damaging in South Florida, home to more than 1 million Cuban-Americans.

“Democrats, nominating this man will absolutely re-elect Donald Trump and end our Constitutional republic,” tweeted Miami-based Democratic strategist and pollster Fernand Amandi.

“You can practically hear Miami crack off Florida and go spinning into the ocean,” Miami-based author Roben Farzad tweeted.

It’s toxic, absolutely toxic, to be spewing false stories about the glories of Castro’s regime, which at last count, has driven approximately 20% of the population of the island to flee for their lives from it, often in leaky rafts. read more

12 Comments on Exploding Cigar II: Florida’s Democrats panic after Bernie Sanders blows a kiss to Castro

  1. Everyone who is registered to do so, go out and vote for Donald Trump in your PRIMARY ELECTION even though you know he is going to win. Let’s sound out a message and play with the democrat media on the huge turnout! Also let’s vote against Socialism/Communism!

  2. Heard a caller on Levin show last night (guest host), she said her parents had fled Cuba. She pointed out that Castro’s “massive literacy program” allowed people to read and write. Except you were only allowed to read and write what the Govt said you could. You read or wrote something not approved by the state, you went to jail. Great program Bernie! That’s what you got in mind for us?

  3. @Rightwinger
    That’s exactly what he has in mind. Hell, they are already implementing censorship.
    The leftard candidates keep shooting themselves in the foot and when they lose they’ll blame Russia.😂

  4. I can’t decide if I want to click to see how to make $18967320,000422 per hour, day, month… and have to buy a new computer, or start complemently nicely posts and articles in fucked up english, or move to Cuba.

  5. Speaking of voting in the Primaries, Wash. State’s primary is next Tuesday on Super Tuesday. I got my primary ballot the other day and I will vote for President Trump even though I have to certify that I am a Republican. I didn’t know that were a Primary state until I got my ballot which probably explains all the doomburg ads on local TV here in Eastern Wash. I still and always will hate voting by mail in Wash. State.

  6. This coming election is has the possibility to redefine the entire world politically. Other countries are already studying American greatness under Trump. Once he no longer has one hand tied behind his back it will be Katie bar the door.


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