Explosive New Documents Reveal Special Counsel Attorney Andrew Weissmann’s Misconduct In Enron Case – IOTW Report

Explosive New Documents Reveal Special Counsel Attorney Andrew Weissmann’s Misconduct In Enron Case

Federalist: The records expose efforts by special counsel attorney Andrew Weissmann to intimidate witnesses and to interfere in the attorney-client relationship of a cooperating witness.

Nearly four months ago, Houston-based attorney Kevin Fulton filed, on my behalf, a motion to unseal records in a case headed by Andrew Weissmann, who is now a member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Late Thursday, a federal district court judge in Texas granted (with one exception), the motion to unseal, making some of those documents publicly available for the first time.

The sealed records involved the Enron case Weissmann oversaw prior to his abrupt departure from the Enron Task Force in the middle of jury deliberations. Given Weissmann’s current role as Mueller’s “pit bull,” revisiting the allegations of misconduct leveled against the prosecutor—with the benefit of the entire unsealed record—promotes transparency and the public’s interest in trusting the integrity of the special counsel’s team.

The now unsealed records expose efforts by Weissmann, and the Enron Task Force he led, to intimidate witnesses and to interfere in the attorney-client relationship of a cooperating witness. Several affidavits unsealed last week catalogued veiled threats made to witnesses the Enron defendants sought to interview. However, because many of the attorneys would speak only off the record to Enron’s attorneys, the courts refused to consider the affidavits sufficient to prove prosecutorial misconduct.

Two attorneys, however, were willing to testify.  MORE


8 Comments on Explosive New Documents Reveal Special Counsel Attorney Andrew Weissmann’s Misconduct In Enron Case

  1. Could help explain how the Mueller team has gotten some of the results it has from various witness testimony.

    Not that I expect it to make any difference, or even become widely known and raise many questions.

  2. I believe they threatened Cohen’s wife the same way they threatened Flynn’s son. Weismann is a thug prosecutor and a Demonrat hack. I hope there is a special place in hell for people like him:

  3. Mortgages for the Masses

    Lynn Patton (The black “prop” for Mark Meadows) Tweeted that Mueller threatened to send Cohen’s wife to jail for 30 years for falsifying loan applications to purchase NY taxi cab Medallions. Apparently a big business.

  4. I remember Enron like it was yesterday.
    I knew some chemical plant workers that
    had ALL their retirement $$$ in Enron.
    Ken Lay {supposedly} died of a heart attack
    on Christmas eve and was cremated before noon
    on Christmas day… The Bush family was involved
    with this mess.I was inside the Enron building
    one time when I worked in telcom.The “IT” floor
    was something to behold if you are into servers
    and networking….

  5. Old News Sean Hannity has had the information for over a year and mentions it in almost every show (both TV and Radio). Nothing will come of it though as he is a DemocRAT and can do NO WRONG if he is going after a republican

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