Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’ – IOTW Report

Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’

Oh good. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s get some FBI and CIA agents fitted for handcuffs, shall we?

Handwritten notes from the FBI that had been withheld from Michael Flynn and his defense team show that the FBI’s goal in investigating and ambushing Flynn was ‘to get him fired.’


Flynn’s prior legal defense team came from the same firm that Eric Holder works for. Strange coincidence, huh?

23 Comments on Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’

  1. “Oh good. Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s get some FBI and CIA agents fitted for handcuffs, shall we?”

    When, for God’s sake? So many promises, so much “tick tock” bullshit.

    Has this all been about ratings?

    This is the last chance to restore some credibility.

    Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan etc. walk otherwise?

  2. This turns the old saying upside down:

    When you’ve decided that something is a nail needing pounding, everything looks like a hammer.

    Even the transcript of a perfectly proper and innocent phone conversation that you’ve illegally acquired through a fraudulent FISA application full of perjury and lies.

  3. It’s possible, I’m saying possible as lightly as I can, but it’s possible that the shit really will hit the fan soon. Apparently Sydney Powell says there are more documents coming. She was on Levin for just a few minutes tonight and she gave a great deal of credit for these documents coming out to Barr and Durham. That could be a good sign.

  4. @Joe6pak – I heard it as well and have been listening to her other interviews as well, for many months now. She is an incredible Patriot. And we can see this in her body language, iow, her disgust, her contempt for what is going on.

    I for one want to exhibit patience. We need to have faith in the Truth.

    @BFH & @J6P add this to the logo…”The NEW shot heard from around the world”, as the text under the horse.

  5. Of all the infuriating things that have been done by Swamp Inc., their treatment of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is the most, and I mean MOST, infuriating.

    If he eschews revenge after being vindicated, exonerated, and made financially whole, which MUST happen, there are a million Americans who would be honored to exact revenge for him.

  6. I think its going to happen. 3 years ago i was so impatient, but the years have tempered me. This case is such a multi-layered cake that it may still take a few more months but i read that James Baker flipped recently according to DeGenova so that will hurry things along. These bastards are so damn corrupt. But if this drags on past november and Trump loses, it will all disappear.

    Bull durham will go down in history as the man who jailed the FBI.

  7. Wasn’t it Pence who hung Flynn out to dry? Will Trump be looking for a new VP candidate?

    I always thought this Flynn thing went way too fast, with no pushback at all from the Trump team. It set the tone for the following 3+ years. Trump had/has a lot of deep-state nevertrumpers inserted into his inner circle by the RNC — their price for Trump playing, I suppose.

  8. If J. Edgar Hoover can have Dorothy Kilgallen “eliminated” because she was on to the truth about JFK’s murder…

    There is an even worse precedent for the DoJ/FBI covering up wrong-doing. Remember, Oswald was on the FBI payroll, too.

  9. @Uncle Al April 29, 2020 at 10:44 pm

    > there are a million Americans who would be honored to exact revenge for him

    As long as somebody posts the phone video of them doing it while sleepwalking.

    Because you can do the, very simple, math. Very very simple math. There are zero that will be so honored, of their own free will.

    “Uhhhm. Couch so comfy.”

    (Unless, of course, you still disbelieve your own lying eyes.)

  10. @Anonymous April 30, 2020 at 12:21 am

    > Christopher Wray is still head of the FBI.
    > That should scare the shit out of all of us.

    Those of us who cannot sleep, because of closet monsters.

    The closet is the closet. The Party is The Party.

  11. Years gone by, if you developed rabies they put you down by smothering you with a mattress. The DOJ and the FBI need the mattress treatment there’s no other sure fix.

  12. The best thing would be for Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Wray, Vindman, and a few others to be quietly Arkancided.
    On the same day.
    THAT would make it clear.

    Without traces, though … get the guys who did Epstein … after they take care of Weinstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Pretty sure their names and addresses are on HRC’s hard drive.

    izlamo delenda est …


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