Extremism, Scandals Rip Apart Democrat Party: Radicalism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, Socialism Threaten Left’s Return to Power – IOTW Report

Extremism, Scandals Rip Apart Democrat Party: Radicalism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, Socialism Threaten Left’s Return to Power


It took them a little more than a month.

Since Democrats took control of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi reclaimed the gavel for the first time in nearly a decade, the Democrat Party has been riding high.

President Donald Trump lost the first round of the battle with Democrats over his planned border wall, ending the longest government shutdown in history a few weeks ago–with no wall funding, despite a promise not to make such a concession.

Pelosi, gloating, signed the three-week continuing resolution with eight different ceremonial pens and rubbed it in by framing herself as somehow equal to the president in terms of power–even though, constitutionally, practically, and by any other measure the legislative office of the Speaker of the House is inferior to the executive office of the President of the United States.

Meanwhile, Democrats throughout the party have been launching their presidential primary campaigns–vying for the shot at a one-on-one battle with Trump in the November 2020 general election–in speeches, media tours, social media blitzes, and stunts filled with missives at the president and red political meat for the Democrat base.

But the good times for Democrats have come to a screeching halt in the past few weeks. A raft of scandals involving racism, antisemitism, radicalism, allegations of sexual assault, and extreme views on a variety of issues has hit the Democrat Party hard as it slinks back into the limelight after a two-year period of GOP control of all levers of government in Washington and most state governments across the country.

These hurdles threaten the Democrat Party’s chances at a return to national power in 2020, with its rising stars and key players throughout the federal and state governments tangled in a web of problems that could cost Democrats the White House in two years and more deeply hurt the party in down-ticket races while tearing down fragile coalitions assembled by Democrat leaders desperate to put a check on Trump. read more

20 Comments on Extremism, Scandals Rip Apart Democrat Party: Radicalism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, Socialism Threaten Left’s Return to Power

  1. It may have been one of the “anonymous” posters but………whatever, TWO FOOKIN’ YEARS the republicans held the reigns of gubmint….. and for WHAT? I hate all of these mother forkers and they all need to swing from a fookin limb…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. and on top of that, they’re back to passing legislation that no one has read. Ala the ‘pelosi maneuver.’ That’s always worked so well in the past.
    The democrats like to say they have a ‘big tent.’ I just guess they do- it apparently accommodates a 3 ring circus quite well. Almost.

  3. “President Donald Trump lost the first round of the battle with Democrats over his planned border wall, ending the longest government shutdown in history a few weeks ago–with no wall funding, despite a promise not to make such a concession.”

    They don’t fing get it. And they won’t get it for about a year. There’s times when I need to stop reading Breitbart.
    In general I think a lot of these #NeverTrumpers, Like Lil Ben, Erickson, etc,etc,etc, including Steve Bannon, that take great offense at the fact that Trump is worlds smarter then they.

  4. To me the biggest shame of all is the fact that half this country wants to dance around the facts of common sense.

    If you like having smoke blown up your ass, so be it.
    If you like the lies of liberal communism then eat all that shit you want.
    If you are so damn stupid that you need someone else telling you what to think; enjoy it.

    If on the other hand, you want and trust in reality….get your ass and mind in sync and stand up against the democrat party.

  5. The wall will be built. Forget the wall. The real attack is on the Electoral College. The progs want to get rid of it. So we can be governed by LA and NYC liberals. Just sayin’. Worth talking about.

  6. Moe tom

    I’ve been saying the same thing. I read a week or so ago that a county in Colorado had voted to eliminate the electoral college in their county. Good luck with that. Keep buying ammo pal.

  7. Bad_Brad- that is the whole state of colorado, not just a county. They want to do away with what the popular vote in the state determines, and give their state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national vote. So, how someone votes in colorado might not count at all. Someone could lose in the voting in colorado, and have their electoral votes given to them anyway.
    And here is the bad part- it has passed out of committee in their House, and it is set to be voted on.
    I’m glad I left there in ’79, though I have thought about going back. That is something I would never do now, with how they have changed and are changing.

  8. toby miles

    Holy crap. I hope they do it. That’s unconstitutional as hell. Like I’ve said in previous posts, I get States Rights, but the Federal Government bares a big responsibility in insuring my God given Constitutional rights are up held. They’ve let us all down on guns. What will they do about another rogue state?

  9. “Radicalism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, [and] Socialism”
    Are the earmarks, the raison d’etre (pardon my French) of the Demonrat Partie.
    They exist, quite simply, to inaugurate a veritable Hell on Earth – to crush piety – to bring War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death to every nation – to make calamity the normal state of affairs – to sow hatred and mistrust and enmity amongst all of mankind – to substitute brute force for the respect of “law” – to pervert love – to annihilate humanity.

    Their agenda is open for all to see – only those abysmally stupid, willfully ignorant, or complicit cannot [will not] perceive.

    izlamo delenda est …


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