Eye Roll of the Week- Little boy uses birthday money to give teacher ‘pay raise’ – IOTW Report

Eye Roll of the Week- Little boy uses birthday money to give teacher ‘pay raise’

The irony of this story is the kid’s note is a mess. It has spelling errors, wrong words, lacks punctuation, and he has horrendous penmanship, yet, he thinks his teacher deserves a raise.

Also, look for the kid’s note on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, Citizen’s United, Climate Change and the Canadian Pipelines, real soon.


 Nine-year-old boys usually spend their birthday money on toys or video games, but one Florida boy decided to do something different.

Parker Williams got $15 for his birthday and instead of buying something for himself, he decided to give his teacher at Gorrie Elementary in Tampa a pay raise.

“I think more people should be nice because it’s a nicer thing to do than being mean,” Williams told CNN affiliate WFLA. “I think she’s a really kind teacher…and she spends time on everybody.”

Williams gave his teacher the money along with a note that said: “Dear Mrs. Chambers, I don’t think that teachers get paid enough for what they do, so, will you accept this gift?”

Williams’ parents didn’t know about the third-grader’s plan and his mom said her eyes welled up with tears.

They found the note afterward with Mary Hall Chambers’ kind response: “I can’t accept this but appreciate the gesture, Parker. Students like you are the reason I teach.”

Even though his teacher didn’t keep the gift, Williams said he still felt like he paid it forward. “It made me feel really nice and good,” he said.

Parker’s dad Darrell Williams put the note on his Facebook page, where it quickly made the rounds.


20 Comments on Eye Roll of the Week- Little boy uses birthday money to give teacher ‘pay raise’

  1. My daughter is home schooling her kids and I can tell you my grandson who would be going to kindergarten next year if she sent him to school can write better than this kid.
    These apples and their apple supporters are ignorant and they’re all raising ignorant children.
    Now why would this kid think his teacher didn’t make enough unless his parents and teachers were not hammering it into his little head that teachers are underpaid? Think about when you were in 3rd grade, did you know or care if your teacher was even getting money to teach you?

  2. My brother passed out his lunch money on the bus once when he was young enough to think that jingle money was more valuable than the paper kind. Mom paid for multiple weeks at a time. She used checks after that.
    Kids should not be concerned about adult stuff like teacher salaries. Ugh.
    They should share their money with kids on the bus. Ha.

  3. Here we go with the “poor underpaid teachers” garbage again. The reason teachers are paid two-thirds of what people with comparable levels of education are paid is that they only work two-thirds the total days. If you want to be paid more, work more. You don’t get to take 16 weeks a year of vacation and still get paid the same as people who only get two or three weeks a year. Not difficult math.

  4. BrassG, you speak out of ignorance. Until you can do the job yourself, you cannot judge knowledgeably.
    Teachers have a heavy workload if they do their job conscientiously, usually taking the work home with them to get it all done.They are also required to perform other duties to keep schools running that are not part of the teaching contract. Also, the salaries paid are done on a 12-month pay cycle, but is portioned out for 9 months. Remember that there are quite a few really rough and dangerous schools that many teachers try to survive teaching at. It is a reality that being beaten up, raped, or murdered does happen in American schools. Teachers, like doctors today, are hamstrung from doing the best they can because administrators and government are always on their backs! Teachers may be getting perks to be envied for, but they went to school to get the degree and do work for them. If you want them yourself, be a teacher!

  5. tRuth and teachers knew what teacher pay was when they chose to get a degree.

    Actually all teachers have the opportunity to get a different job or even keep a teaching job in a private school where the pay is better.

    Public teachers are paid with taxpayers money and it’s never enough for them, they always want more. They sign contracts and then go whining for more money. I have zero respect left for public school teachers.


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