EYEROLL- Befuddled Grandpa Says We Almost Lost America on January 6 – IOTW Report

EYEROLL- Befuddled Grandpa Says We Almost Lost America on January 6

I AM SICK OF THIS HYPERBOLE!!!! If the rioters at the Capitol could have TAKEN OVER AMERICA, then we are a weak-ass nation.

We know we are a stupid one, because we either elected a near retard, or people believe we elected a near retard.


Biden says ‘we nearly lost America’ on January 6 in furious speech calling Trump ‘sick’ and a ‘loser’ who uses Nazis language and wants to be a dictator.

24 Comments on EYEROLL- Befuddled Grandpa Says We Almost Lost America on January 6

  1. But I was told we don’t need the second amendment because guns are worthless against the government’s nukes and F-15s. Yet no one was even armed on Jan 6th except for the capitol police firing rubber bullets and flash bangs into the crowd and shooting a woman point blank in the neck.

    So, let’s assume for minute that what happened on Jan 6th was a legitimate insurrection. Let’s also assume their mission to topple the government was achieved and America was “lost.”

    Okay, that means today, 3 years later, we are being ruled by a dude with his feet on Pelosi’s desk, another dude walking around with a lectern, and we all bow to the feet of a viking with a war painted face.

    And no one is capable of taking America back from them, right? All powers from states, citizens, executive, legislature, judicial, and military all bow down to them like Zod, right? We’d have an new constitution and statues of them shadowing over us on every street corner. And they did it all without threatening anyone or using any force.

    Who believes this shit? Oh right, Biden voters. Damn are they stupid.

  2. “But I was told we don’t need the second amendment because guns are worthless”

    I know you’re trying to make a point here. But I’m having issues with it. Free men know they are free. And they don’t cave to tyrants.

  3. Brad,

    Amendments don’t make free men. Amendments make the government recognize there are free men. Joe says that freedom isn’t worth anything when the government has nukes and F-15s. Now why would Joe even bother making a point about 2A if freedom already doesn’t matter?

  4. “RIOTERS” at the Capitol?

    Yeah, we may be lost. Because language is for communicating. And when you adopt the enemy’s redefined words — “woman”, “trans”-whatever, pronoun nonsense, “diversity”, “vaccine”, and all the rest going back decades to “sanitation engineer”… as well as calling tens of thousands of peaceful protesters “rioters”, you’ve already conceded.

  5. We need to revive the loud chants at all his appearances: “Fuck Joe Biden!!”

    Maybe that’ll be what makes the fake angry irishman finally STROKE OUT and get lost.

  6. Ok, everyone can relax a little bit – I found America. No, it’s not over there; that’s the Capitol and the White House – America isn’t there. Not over there either – that’s the headquarters for the MSM and again, few or no Americans. And quit looking on university campuses; not much America there. And you can cease searching for America in major American cities – not only is America not there, but there isn’t much intelligence either.

    I found America in communities and areas where people work for a living, are church going or at least have basic moral values, care about their families and their communities, value personal freedom, and respect the rights of all citizens (yes, even minorities and homosexuals) under the Constitution. America seems to be a place where free speech is allowed, children are protected from mutilation, crime is punished, and the mentally deficient are given treatment and care instead of being put into public office. America is still here, although we have to work a little harder to bring it to more areas of the United States.


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