“F*** white people and “f*** Trump” Torturer Released by Chicago Judge With NO Jail Time – IOTW Report

“F*** white people and “f*** Trump” Torturer Released by Chicago Judge With NO Jail Time

One of the black racists that tortured, and live streamed that torture on Facebook, was set free with a wrist slap.

Maybe we should burn down Chicago.


Brittany Covington, 19, pleaded guilty to a hate crime in court on Friday, according to the Chicago Tribune.

The suspect also “pleaded guilty to aggravated battery and intimidation charges. As part of a plea deal, prosecutors dropped additional charges, including kidnapping,” the Tribunesaid.

Despite the guilty plea, Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks released Covington without jail time. Telling Covington, “Do not mess this up,” Judge Hooks imposed 200 hours of community service and banned Covington from using social media and having contact with her co-defendants for four years.

The judge did not assign jail time because, he said, “I’m not sure if I did that you’d be coming out any better.”

Hooks insisted that his sentence would give Covington the chance to put her life on a productive path.


ht/ Zonga

45 Comments on “F*** white people and “f*** Trump” Torturer Released by Chicago Judge With NO Jail Time

  1. Once again…..”privileged” and not the “White” kind. Beating, berating and torturing a mentally disabled person = 200 hours of raking leaves at a community center and no Facebook or SnapChat. A few broke objects and some bacon at the door of mosque = 15 years of prison.

  2. Also read today that that Commie, Rapone, the one at Westpoint? Nothing happened to him. At all. A WP cadet calls the Secretary of Defense “an evil f*ck” and absolutely nothing happens?! I hope to God his first assignment is under a rapid Trump-loving CO.

  3. The judge did not assign jail time because, he said, “I’m not sure if I did that you’d be coming out any better.”

    But the rest of us regular people would certainly be better off without such an aggressive and violent barbarian in our midst.

  4. @AbigailAdams – I know what you meant by “rabid” and I agree completely, but I couldn’t help but think to myself that if she were literally rabid, as in displaying symptoms of rabies, she’d be dead soon. I don’t think I’d shed many tears.

  5. what is the life expectancy in Shitcago?
    Just curious.

    This is what they call justice? Justice isnt hoping someone improves their life. Its punishment for crimes committed to satisfy the victims and serve as a warning.

  6. I’d like to see a series of (fatal) accidents befall her, her co-defendants, and the judge. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of assholes.
    And why (fatal)? Would you want to have your forcefully picked taxpayer dollars used to support these assholes during their lifelong handicap-ness?

  7. Plea deals used to be invoked when the DA had a weak case. These animals videoed their crime!!! On the other hand, this IS Shitcago, and a jury of her “peers” (fellow ghetto rats) would be unlikely to convict one of their own for beating a white guy.

  8. “The judge ( William Hooks) did not assign jail time because, he said, “I’m not sure if I did that you’d be coming out any better.””

    Dumbass judge. The primary purpose of jail time is not to make her better.
    ( I doubt she has any potential for improvement).
    The purpose of jail time is to make the lives of the innocent free better for at least as long as she is locked up.

  9. The Judge threw the case. I don’t know if there was payment of some sort but with a case this obvious the only way the Judge could earn the bribe was at sentencing. This needs to be retried under Federal law as the victims civil rights were violated.

  10. I hope we tee this discussion up again some time.

    That judge knew if he put her in the system she would come out MUCH worse than when she went in. Tell me where I’m wrong. I leave it to his discretion. Maybe he saw something in her that made him think she had a chance. He should have assigned her to foster care somewhere in the Midwest. Or maybe she should have been aborted. Really, whats the difference? The no abortion crowd here are hypocrites.

  11. Arm yourself and put any liberal or racist black thug in the ground if they come at you forcefully. Whites are too soft these days, get bullied like punks by these liberal disease.

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