Face Booked – IOTW Report

Face Booked


Arthur Booth appeared in front of judge Mindy Glazer at Miami-Dade bond court charged with burglary.

Booth, 49, was arrested on Monday after being spotted driving a car that matched the description of one allegedly involved in a robbery and failing to stop after a police officer signalled him to.

A police chase followed, resulting in two accidents before he crashed the car.

He fled on foot but was eventually caught and charged with various offences.

When he was taken into court, the judge looked at him for a moment or two and then asked one question-

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17 Comments on Face Booked

  1. Not to be TOO cynical here, but it could be (at least partly) a show. People that work in law enforcement see a lot of good acting by so-called “bad actors”, especially in prisons and before judges. It tends to make them a tad distrustful.

    : )

  2. Yes I do Mary Jane. At least I hope so. He didn’t let loose of any four letter superlatives and that was impressive. Wow, I can’t believe I said that…how little I expect from someone charged with burglary. The judge handled it so well, encouraging him to go straight. Might have been a Holy Spirit eye opener moment for him. Hope he doesn’t get screwed up worse in jail.

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